Angel;;Bill Denbrough

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    Being the sister of Henry bowers had always been a living hell; It was the constant flirting from his friends, People fearing you because of your brother; but then finding out you're a polar opposite of him. You were classy and actual had some common sense when it comes to somethings. The only perk that came out of him being the "school bully"was the fact Greta, the schools most annoying female out there, feared to mess with you. You made your way down the long narrow hallway passing your brother and his friends,Henry smiled and Patrick gave you that smirk that made you externally uncomfortable, Henry hit Patricks chest and gave him a look, which you could easily tell it meant 'look at her like that again ill kill you'. Laughing and walking at the same time until you bumped into some boy.

  "Oh my god I'm so sorry i wasn't watching where i was going and i-i-." The boy cut you off with a chuckle.He starred at you like you were the last person on planet earth, You blushed while you put a piece of hair behind your ear.

" Im bill ni-nice to me-meet you." He smiled with a slight blush falling upon his face, You scurried to help the boy pick up his book. You moved your hand over to a book and he has the same idea; Your hands touch and you both pulled away in a hurry. The sound of boots walking down the hall dragged your attention

  "Is this Loser bothering you sis?"Henry said going to grab the collar of the boy. The boy in shock looking between you in Henry in awe. Out of nowhere you felt a arm being placed around your hips, You looked up to see the raven hair boy looking down at you with a smirk that only meant danger.Moving away in a hurry over to Henry and the boy, you pushed your brother away from bill making sure he didn't hurt him in any way.

"No Henry he wasn't, but you are go somewhere else" I said starring my brother down. Bill and you stood there motionless as the "gang" walked away. You looked down at the ground trying to hide your blush until you heard the same cute chuckle from before.

"Yo-you know I do-don't understand ho-how the devil h-as a se-sweet angel of a sister" Bill said smiling at the perfect girl in-front of him. He knew he never wanted to let you go from that day on.

IT/Riverdale imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora