Trash mouth;; Richie Tozier

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Not edited; also this one isn't my best so please don't judge, also thank you for 100 views ik it's not a lot but. Considering it's only been up for what? Three days I feel like that's kinda good

You peddled and peddled down the roads of Derry. Every twist and turn getting you more and more excited, You were on your way to the best place on earth; The Arcade. You finally reached your destination, throwing your bike down in a hurry you made your way to the big metal doors pushing them open in excitement. The sounds of fake guns firing and racing noises filled your happy ears, the smell of the pizza you could never put down filled your nose; This place was your happy place. You walked over to the best game in the whole arcade Street fighters, but as walking over you spotted a curly hair boy playing on the game. You groaned while walking up to the game to confront the boy playing.

"You almost done kid?" you said annoyed as all ever. The boy turned his head and started at you; after a while he fixed his glasses and smiled

"Depends; say if you beat me ill buy you a pizza sweetie" he said with a smile. All you could do was smile back and laugh

"And what if i loose huh?" you said with a smirk that seemed to excite the boy. He stood there thinking of a possible out come of the situation.

"I get to take you out on a date" He said adjusting his glasses to sit on the bridge of his nose. You stood in shock at what he just said

"Deal" You replied grabbing the joy stick of the game. You to played and played until your fingers went numb from all the tapping of the buttons. The end result; The boy ended up winning in the end

"Say i guess i get to take you on a date??.... but i never caught your name? I'm Richie" He smiled at you

"My named y/n" You replied with a soft blushing rising to your cheeks; 'hmm Richie thats a cute name' you thought yourself, or so you thought

"Ya it would sound better if you were scr-" Richie was cut off when a boy wearing a.. fanny pack? Walked up to him in a hurry

"Richie will you hurry up with your damn game we were suppose to be at Bills house by now" The boy said running out of breath by the end of the sentence. Richie stared at you until he was dragged out of the arcade by this friend.

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