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Ok so after three parts I am actually going to disclose the plot!


Alexander is starting a new highschool. He wants to make friends and all that chiz but he has a secret to keep, when he touches water he grows a darn tail. Yup, Alexander Hamilton is a merman with a dark past and now he has to keep that all a secret and make friends ( something that is rather difficult when you never shut the fuck up) Needless to say drama and stale memes ensue.

They are all 16 and in the same year btw, except Alex who is 15 but skipped a year so is in their year, Peggy who is 15 and a year below the rest and Angelica who is 17 and one year above the rest.

Characters' family and pasts and other important stuff

Alex: You are probably wondering what Alexs' tragic backstory is. WELL he was born on Nevis. His mother was a mermaid and his father did not want to have children because of it. She fell pregnant anyway and the child was Alexs' older brother James. Worried, his parents checked to see if he had inherited his mothers' tail. He had not and so they concluded that it was only women who inherited the blood of the mere-people. His mother then fell pregnant again, this time the child was a girl. Alexanders' father killed the child the night she was born. Next came Alex, his father never bothered to check if he had inherited the tail when he was born because of what happened to James, his mother was home alone when she first bathed him and found out. They kept it a secret until Alex was ten years old and his father found out accidently, he left. Two years later Alex and his mother fell deathly ill, he lived his mother did not. James went to work in the harbour and they lived together for six months until James died in an accident at work. Alex then went and lived with his cousin Peter, who was abusive, for a few months until a neighbour heard shouting coming from the house one night and called the authorities. Peter killed himself when confronted by authorities. As Alex was due to go into the foster system on Nevis, a hurricane hit and destroyed everything. He wrote about it and sent his writing to a newspaper in Virginia, who published it. It caught the attention of a school who started to raise money to have him come live in the states and attend that school. They raised enough money and he flew over. It is a rich school and so has dorms, though not many live there, Alex moves into one of the dorms and all is good.

John: comes from a rich family with a load of kids. His mother died when he was young and his father works a lot so it's mostly him and his siblings. He worries about his dad, he hasn't been the same since his wife died but he stays happy for his kids. ( John and his dad are cool in this fic because Johnny boy deserves happiness for once since y'all love to make him suffer also it's my fic so fight me )

Laf: He lives with the Washingtons as their foster son. His parents died in a car accident when he was seven and he went to live with them immediately afterwards as they were family friends. His parents were rich af and he gets all that money when he is 18.

Herc: Not as rich as everyone else but pretty well off. Lives with his parents and older sister. They moved from Ireland when he was five so he doesn't really have an accent he just pronounces some words differently. The rest of his family have really strong accents though.

The washingtons: They have known eachother since highschool and married at twenty. Like parents to all of the rev squad ( see above ) also rich

Maria and James Reynolds: They are brother and sister. Their parents divorced when they were kids, Maria moved with her mother and James stayed with his father. They drifted apart after that and only see each other in school. Otherwise they are happy enough, they get along really well with their parents. Maria and her mum are really close however Maria is also very close with Martha Washington ( it's a mother-daughter relationship and it's adorable. They bake together on Tuesdays )

The Schulyers: Same father, different mothers. In order of age it goes Angelica, Eliza and Peggy.

All their mothers are dead but they are close with their dad. Also rich. do you sense a trend??

That's all for that section...I got the important character out of the way. I'm really sorry this is taking so long. The next chapter will be personalities and fact files and then i'll get to the story. Please comment and stuff I really hope you like this au, I've had it in the works for a while!

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