chapter 2

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Alexander stood up just as the bell indicating the class was over sounded, checking his timetable he realised it was now time for lunch. Lunch was the thing he was dreading most that day for a number of reasons

1. sooooooo many people all in one room

2. he had heard that American lunch food sucked ass ( not that food on Nevis was much better, his mother lost the will and money to cook much after his father left so he wasn't fussy )

3. a lot of people running around with liquids + Alex the fucking merman = probably not the best or most safe idea

Well there was one thing to make the idea of the warzone he was expecting a little more pleasant, he would have friends there, his friends. The thought alone made him smile, though he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little nervous to meet the others they had been talking about. Let's see...there were the Schuyler sisters and a girl called Martha? wait no it wasn't Martha it waaaaaaaaaas uh mmmmmmmary no not mary mmm mmmmmm mMARIA IT WAS MARIA, Maria. Right, okay, good he new the names. The guys said he would probably get along well with them, this made him feel a little more confident than he normally would when trying to make friends but he was still nervous.

Now, Alexander Hamilton was not a shy person, far from it. His forwardness and sharp tongue had gotten him in trouble many times so no, Alexander Hamilton was not shy, however the only reason he was ever able to be so blunt and speak his mind was because he had never had any intention of becoming friends with the people he talked to. Now, sat with around seven people who he wanted to initiate a close friendship with while also making sure he kept any and all information about his past a secret, he found himself stumbling over his words. The others had introduced themselves already and were waiting on him to do the same. He finally found his words " oh Hi i'm Alexander Hamilton, you can call me Alex though. It's great to meet you" he was a little annoyed by the unnecessary uh he had placed at the beginning of his sentence, but otherwise a solid introduction. It was the older Schuyler, Angelica, that spoke next, " so, Alex, where's your family from? I noticed you have a slight accent? "

Alex  tensed at this, and everyone noticed. Before Angelica could add " you don't have to say if you don't want to I understand that could be a touchy subject sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Alex simply gave a bit of a laugh ( the others tried not to noticed how forced it was ) and replied with " unimportant, there's still a million things I haven't done yet, just wait, but if you could avoid asking from now on....I don't like to talk about my past much, sorry"

" nothing to apologise for, Alex, I get that things like that can be personal" it was Maria speaking now. Angelica then added quickly " and I'm really sorry for asking, I should have thought about how much of a touchy subject that could be" Alex shook his head and smiled a little " nah, it's fine, you didn't know. Don't worry about it"

The rest of lunch went by pretty uneventfully, as did the rest of his classes. He noticed Jefferson in a few ( okay maybe more than a few, maybe eVERY CLASS EXCEPT ONE WHICH WAS PE ) but tried to ignore it.

When he got home he changed quickly into a baggy jumper and some tracks and made his way over to his desk to do some homework. He spent about three hours on homework and had missed dinner by the time he was done. He ended up eating cereal in his dorm. He was lucky enough to get a single dorm, it was small but fit Alex perfectly. He didn't have many personal belongings anyway so it was just the right size. It had a shower, sink, small kitchen equipped with a stove and oven, a kettle and some cabinets and a single bed and a small, wooden desk. The shower was rather inconvenient because of the whole tail thing, but it was long so he could lie in it, yes it was quite  uncomfortable  but it worked . When he was done with his magnificent dinner he added the others phone numbers into his phone ( an iPhone 4 he got as a gift from the school when he arrived) and began to message them.

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