chapter 3

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it's time for drama ( ish ). I'm sorry that this is going so slow, I honestly don't have much planned for this story. I have the main events but there is no clear end, you know? I have things I want to add and then other stuff to fill the gap. That's why I say to comment ideas and things you want me to include! I'm trying to keep this book kinda chill because If I put all the stuff I like in dramatic stories in here Alex would be in constant pain and then die and the others would suffer because he was dead, then he'd come back to life and some more shit would happen and he'd die again.  But yes something big happens this chapter. Now I'm ranting.....TO THE STORY

Alex was tired, of fucking course he was tired, and really not looking forward to class. On the bright side he had debate that day, Jefferson was in his debate class. Alex hadn't been able to say much to him the other day and was really looking forward to roasting the shit out of him. Now, however, he had more pressing concerns. He had to shower. The shower was long and could fit his tail, but it was uncomfortable and quite difficult. It would probably take him an extra ten minutes to shower because of the tail. In that moment he was so glad that he didn't have a room mate that he honestly could have cried. He undressed and stepped into the shower, the water was already running. He didn't have time to realise his mistake before-

" FUUUUUUCK FUCKING SHIT AH JEEZ WHAT THE SHREK " upon contact with the water his tail appeared aaaaaand he fell, turns out it's difficult to stand when you have no legs. Okay so maybe saying it was upon contact with the water is a bit dramatic, usually he has like ten seconds before he goes all fish boy but you get the point. Now this would have been fine, just a little mistake with no damage done ( apart from a bruise on his elbow but whatever ) if his shouting and the loud crash had not alerted the students in the neighbouring dorms, who in turn alerted the dorm keeper. Now she was knocking on Alex's door to see if he was okay. " uhhhh i'm fine! sorry I just....slipped a little hahah "

" oh are you okay? you aren't injured are you?"

" nope i'm totally good, sorry for the bother. I'm really clumsy"

" ah okay if your sure..."

Phew, that was close! what if she wanted to come check him for injuries? he was seriously gonna have to be more careful or someone could find out... ( wink wink nudge nudge )

He finished his shower and was now facing an entirely new the fuck did he get out? In order for the tail to go away he would have to dry if completely and the entire shower floor was wet. HE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF THE SHOWER WITH A TAIL THEN CRAWL HIS WAY TO HIS BED TO PLUG IN THE HAIR DRYER AND GET A TOWEL. " You have got to be kidding...I didn't think this through."

After much difficulty and some soggy cereal he was dry and dressed and ready to go.

~a wild time skip appeared~

" hey guys!" Alex waved to his friends "Alex!"




" Hello Alex! how are you?


" Hey Alex, sleep well?"

" yes i'm good and I slept well. Peggy I am not your son. Laf please calm down."

They laughed and began walking, they were here early, classes didn't actually start for another half hour so they had time.

The morning passed without any issues. The occasional stale meme was mentioned but that was all, until-

" ah shit sorry, Alex!" Herc tripped over a ledge on his way back from the school vending machine, dropping his ( opened ) bottled water and spilling it.....on Alex.

" Ah fuck fuck, it's fine don't worry! imma got to the bathroom to dry off" the sentence was rushed and panicked, the words slurring together.

Alex began to run, luckily not that many people where around and pretty much none at that side of the school. The bathroom was also not far away, he should be able to get there in time.

He could see it now, he glanced at the clock above the door before entering, three seconds, ' FUCK' he ran in to one of the stalls and then crash bang motherfucker it's merman time.

He didn't manage to lock the door but had his back against it, mostly hiding his tail unless you really looked. He was lucky that there was no one in the bathroom, they were at the back of the school where not that many people hung around, and practically no one was there before classes.


"Uh well that was weird..."

" oui, he seemed really panicked..."

" he looked like sonic"

" I feel kind of bad, it was my fault for not being careful"

" uhhh guys"

"yeah? what is it Peggy?"

"Alex just went into the girls bathroom"

The laughed at that, of course, but they were still worried...he really did seem panicked

" well it was my fault, i'll go see if he is ok"

" no you will not" it was Angelica " that is the girls bathroom"


"i'll go, i'm a girl and i'm easy to talk to"

"hmmm I agree, actually. Okay Peggy can go"

They all agreed that Peggy was the woman for the job so off she went to help Alex.

Back in the bathroom, Alex was panicking. This was a public school bathroom, anyone could come in!

he was done for

Knock, knock, knock ,knock

no way was he getting out of this

knock, knock, knock, knock

who is that? what if they see him?

clang, clang, clang, clang

he had to make them leave

bang, bang, bang, bang

only one option now....


" Alex? It's peggy, are you okay? you've been in there a while..."

Oh, Peggy...that was better than a stranger but still, they had just become friends, he didn't want to ruin it.

" u-uh y-yeah, i'm fine! no worries" his voice shook

" you don't sound fine...i'm coming in. get away from the door" oh shit

" NO d-don't i'm fine,rea-"

" gosh"

too late

hahahahaha sorry, dat cliffhanger tho

I'm also sorry for the quality of writing, yes I know it's really boring but stick with me it gets better!

like always any ideas or question comment them and i'll try to answer/include them!

Anyone catch the bmc reference?

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