chapter 1

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here it is, chapter one . please know I do not know how high school works. I'm irish and we call it secondary school and it's a seven year ordeal starting at age11/12 and finishing at age 17/18. In my school Alex and the others would be   in their 5th year. The way i'm putting it  in here is

15- 1st year

16-2nd year

17- 3rd year

18-4th year

Alexander was nervous to say the least. He knew he'd be fine academically, if a little bored, it was people he was worried about. He wasn't really a people person. Not only that but he had a serious secret to keep! If this got out he could end up a science experiment....not to mention he was the last of his kind, making him all the more valuable. Yep that's right Alexander Hamilton is a merman, you heard it here first folkes! It wouldn't even be so bad if he didn't grow a tail so easily. I mean seriously, every time he touches water? you have got to be kidding! He's hidden it his whole life but that was with his mothers help and there weren't as many people so close together all the time, it was easy to hide. A plus side would be the powers, he could bend water at his will. That's why rain wasn't an issue, he has the water bend around his umbrella, although that has caused an issue a few times when people have noticed that not even his shoes were wet.

Well no matter how many issues he would have to deal with he still needed to go, this was his shot and he was not about to waste it due to his stupid tail.

As he was about to enter the school when a tall boy with dark, curly hair, who looked about his age, came up to him. " hey darlin' you new here? "

" um, yes? "

" how about I show you to class then? we can get to know each other, I'm Thomas by the way. You are?"

" uh, Alexander. Alexander Hamilton" The stranger, Thomas, looked confused

" Alexander, huh? weird name for a girl..." Alex laughed a little at that

" what's so funny?"

" you do realise i'm a boy right?" Thomas went from looking confused to shocked to embarrassed before finally settling on pissed.

" why the hell didn't you tell me that!" he practically yelled, causing a few people to turn and look their way. Thomas just kept getting more and more pissed and Alex was finding it harder and harder not to laugh. Eventually he couldn't hold it and started to giggle, causing Thomas to grab him by the collar. Before he could do anymore, however, a group of three boys ran up to them. Tallest was a boy who looks strangely similar to Thomas but with his hair pulled back, the next was a strong looking boy with a bandana, he looked like he could break Alex's body in half without breaking a sweat, and the final was a boy a little taller than Alex with curly, brown hair, green eyes and a shit ton of freckles. The muscular looking one began to yell at Thomas to stop being a dick, while the shorter of the three started to tell him to go fuck of. The taller of the bunch simply whacked the other two in the head then proceeded to tell Thomas, in a pretty strong French accent, to ' stop being mean to the little first year just because he has a better figure than you ' at this Thomas blushed and said a few curse words then , still looking pissed,  stomped away. The tall dude then turned to Alex and introduced himself as Lafeyette, the muscular one as Hercules and the other as John. He then said something that kinda pissed Alex off, " so I take it you are first year? Do not worry, you will get the hang of this school soon" although he found this comment irritating he let it slide as he could see this Laf guy meant well. He then realised he'd been staring for a while and should probably say something " uh no. I'm actually going into second year. I'm 15 but  I was moved up a year, though I can see where you got confused. I'm new here. My name is Alexander, Alexander Hamilton "

Laf looked pretty embarrassed at that but before  he could say anything-

" oh shit sorry on Laf's behalf then. Moved up a year huh? That's pretty cool. So, Alexander, you need help finding your classes?" it was  Mr. muscle man ( Hercules. was that his name? )speaking now.

"um sure! that would be great actually!"

The four got along really well actually and by the end of the walk to class were already pretty much best friends. By the time Alex got to class he had a place to sit at lunch, knew who to avoid and who was cool and had four phone numbers in his pocket. Not to mention he had a lot of classes with Herc and John. Not so many with Laf but they had French together. That's another thing Alex learned, Laf was French ( he had guessed by the accent but wasn't sure) and was fluent in French and Herc was Irish. He hadn't shared any of his past, and the others were nice enough to not ask when he said he didn't want to talk about it.

He liked these guys, he just hoped he could keep his secret long enough to become closer with them.

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