chapter 10- Halloween part 2

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Hey! sorry for the late chapter  ( me: *posts Halloween chapter in June *) but  characters pop up for the first time this chapter! So that should be fun...I had two ideas for the events of this chapter and how they'd play out, that's why this chapter took so long ( also I have had no time at all these last few months ) , I ended up with two versions that I had to edit and work with plus exams ( I'm finished exams now and school ends next week so I can make it up to you all over the summer) ! This is the one I decided on, enjoy!  Oh and warning for  homophobic language and.... drunk John?? do I need a warning for drinking? I guess so because they are all underage but idk also I apologise in advance for my fruitless  attempts at writing  flirting scenes , i'm trying I promise! oh and side-note I fixed a few minor mistakes in the first few chapters, i'll be working on fixing the rest ad taking some stuff out. I realise I put a little too much info in the intro chapters so i'll be removing some stuff, you first few readers got spoilers!

Upon entering the party the first things Alex noticed were 1) how many people there were and how squished together everyone was 2) the strong smell of alcohol in the air 3) it was fucking loud 4) there were pretzels on the food table and fuck, if there was anything Alexander had come to love in his short time living in Virginia it was pretzels. He noticed with irritation that the bowl containing said pretzels were sat right next to the soft drinks and water ( so it was the DD drink section, but then again vodka and coke are a pretty popular combination ) of course he wasn't bothered by the soft drinks but there was water and drunk teenagers + liquids = a high chance of a spill. He huffed as he turned away from the table, making a mental note to ask Laf if they happened to have pretzels at his house when they got home ( he realised that maybe he was being a little too careful, which is weird because Alexander Hamilton is not a name you would associate with caution, but hey this was a seriously risky environment!). He began to look around the house, moving away from the  main room he made his was to the hallway, he wanted to explore the whole house if possible. He also thought this would be a good opportunity to locate the nearest bathroom(s)  in case of an accident, he noted that there was one in the hallway, what appeared to be one at the top of the stairs and, if worst came to worst, there was an adequately sized cupboard he could use. He was standing against a wall assessing his surroundings when a girl approached him. She was short and pretty with short black hair and dark eyes, slightly chubby, overall extremely cute. She was wearing a black skirt and orange shirt that fit loosely. " hi! never seen you around before, where ya from?" she smiled at him, he returned said smile and replied ( with no intention of revealing anything about himself to this girl, mind you. He couldn't care less about her ) but whether he had any intention of initiating any sort of intimate relationship with this girl or not Alex is Alex and he wasn't about to pass up a perfect opportunity to be a flirt, " i'm from away, but more importantly what has brought you here?"

" eh, my friends sorta lost me a while back, started talking about their boyfriends. Assholes, they know darn well that I don't have one!" she winked at Alex there, he replied with a smirk, saying " well, I owe a great debt to your friends then, they have brought you to me" the girl blushed and extended a hand, " my name is  Mavis Hansen "

" Alexander Hamilton "

" big name " she laughed

" you can call me Alex then" she smiled and nodded in return, taking up a napkin and pen  from a near by table and beginning to scribble out what was presumably her number . It was then that Alex noticed a somewhat familiar figure walk past, he quickly excused himself, only managing to slip away after Mavis' number had been pressed firmly into his hand. He tapped the person he was after on the shoulder, " Pardon me, are you Aaron burr, sir?" he recognised this  man from around the school and,if recalls correctly, he was currently top of his year academically. People were calling him a prodigy. ( Alex didn't know how much of an exaggeration this was, but for now he would take his peers words )

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