chapter 5

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ok sorry for last chapter but now we're back on track.


" now this all started with my  mother, she was a mermaid. Her family was the last surviving bloodline of the mere-people. She fell in love with a Scottish sailor when she was 18 and moved with him to a small island called Nevis in the Caribbean. It was a poor place but they were happy there. A while in to their marriage my father learnt of my mothers bloodline, he freaked out and they got into an argument, he agreed to stay with her but said he didn't want to have children as he didn't want to risk having kids with this trait, I say risk because if a mermaid and a human have a child, there is only a 50% chance of them being a mere-person. This was an issue for my mother as she was the last female mere-person and it was up to her to carry on the blood of her people,  however she loved my father and so agreed. She fell out with her father, my grandfather, due to this arrangement and they never spoke again. I don't know where he is or if he is still alive. A short while later my mother fell pregnant, my father was furious and planned to kill the child however my mother convinced him to wait and see of the child had inherited her tail before doing anything. He waited and when the child was born they found he did not inherit my mothers tail and so they kept him alive. He was my older brother, James.

A year passed and everything was relatively peaceful until my mother fell pregnant again. They did the same thing as last time. This time when they checked to see of the child had inherited my mothers tail they found that she had. My father killed her that night.

When my mother fell pregnant a third time she vowed to keep the child safe, whether they had a tail or not. When the child was born she checked in private while my father was at work and found that the child had inherited the tail, the child was me. When my father came home to check himself she handed him the neighbours child who she sometimes looked after and had asked to mind for a while that evening for this purpose  and he was satisfied, never bothering to check after that.

Everything was okay after that, we struggled with money sometimes but otherwise we were fine, until one day when I was around 10 years old. After an accident in the kitchen my father found out that I shared my mothers tail and they had an argument, he left then and I never saw him again. We struggled with money even more now and my mother went to work at some of the richer houses as a maid, me and my brother rarely saw her.

When I was 12 my mother and I fell ill and my brother went to work in the docks to help pay the bills. My mother died in my arms, I was unable to attend the funeral. I got better shortly after her death and me and my brother lived together for a while until he died in an accident at work.

After that I went to live with my cousin, Peter. He was cruel, he would hit me and lash out over everything I did, sometimes he did it simply because I was there and he had nothing better to do. Still got the scars to show it...One day the neighbours heard me scream and contacted the authorities and police, when confronted Peter killed himself, I can't say I was sorry to see him dead...

I was due to go into the foster care system on Nevis but before that a hurricane hit. It destroyed everything, there were hardly any survivors. It was...the most terrifying experience  of my life. I was stuck under rubble for a large part of the storm, I nearly drowned. I could hear the people around me screaming and dying and I couldn't do anything. When the storm had passed it was deathly quiet, I've always hated the quiet but at that moment I hated  it more than anything, it was proof of death. I knew that I needed to leave that island if I ever wanted to achieve anything, so I wrote. I wrote everything down for miles what I saw and felt, anything. I sent my writings to a newspaper in New York who published it then a school in Virginia, this school, found them and raised money for me to come study here, they sorted everything out and I am. When I came here I was so excited for the chance to make a new life and when I met you guys I was happier than I ever thought I could be, when you found out my secret I was so scared, I thought you were going to leave me, that I ruined this, but you didn' didn't.

thank you"

By the end of the story both Alex and Peggy were crying, Peggy was hugging Alex.

"Alex, I am so, so sorry, you didn't deserve any of that. If you ever need anything, i'm here. We all are. We love you, remember that"

That made Alex cry more, choking out muffled thank you's between sobs.

When they returned to the group, slightly red eyed but smiling, ten minutes had passed,



" are you two okay? you look as though you've been crying"

The last comment got everyone's attention, they all noticed the red eyes  and their concerns grew. It was Alex who finally spoke, breaking the silence.

" we are fine, don't worry, Peggy said something funny and I cried laughing. Before you ask no, she will not tell you, you had to be there. Herc, it's okay you just surprised me. Angelica, we're sorry we took so long, I was using the hand dryers to dry off, quite a difficult task, believe it or not."

Everyone calmed down at that, and everything went back to normal, well almost. Peggy knew now, Alex was a actually a little glad, he didn't have to keep this to himself anymore and he would have help if anything went wrong.

They all went to their classes a while after that, well they had  mostly the same classes, so they went together. Maria, Eliza, Peggy, Herc and John all had HE while the rest of them had debate.

Debate, now that was a class Alex was looking forward to.

oooookay so that's all. Next chapter will feature the roast of t.jeff, the intro of Aaron Burr, sir and some beautiful quotes, brought to you by shit me and my friends say!

like always, comment any questions.

Thank you for reading!

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