chapter 6

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so I realised that I never really said what time of the year it was in the story! It's October, for anyone wondering. Alex came a bit late to the school year. oh by the way I know this is not how debate goes, it's unprofessional and  you shouldn't drag personal matters into debate and the teacher would have stopped them blah blah blah but hey it's more fun to write like this cut me some slack

Alex was ecstatic, to say the least. The teacher, Mr. Beegan , had just announced that the topic for debate that lesson was ' should more time be given in school for art and drama classes?'

Alex was someone who felt that there should be a lot more time dedicated to these classes and so was extremely exited to argue his points. Mr. Beegan was now announcing the pairs, Alex would do extra homework for every class for a month if it meant he would get paired with Jefferson.

" Seabury and Lafayette"

"King and Burr"

" Schuyler and Lee

" and finally, Hamilton and Jefferson"


Alex was so ready for this, Jefferson was too, if the look on his face was anything to go by.

" now, I will give you ten minutes to discuss with your partner and then plan your individual debate. When those ten minutes are up, I will have groups up to present their arguments. Begin"

Alex walked toward Thomas' desk. The taller boy regarded him with a look of pure hatred that may have been intimidating if not for the circumstances in which they first met.

It didn't take the pair long to decide who would be debating for which side as they both had very different opinions on the matter and simply chose the side they agreed with. They left each other in relative peace whilst they prepared they arguments but as soon as the teacher said' who wants to go first?' both of there hands were up faster than you could say ' macaroni-fucker'

" okay, Hamilton, Jefferson. You have the floor."

Thomas began first, " whether or not we should extend the amount of time given to art and drama within the school year is something that has become the topic of much debate recently. I believe that we should dedicate less time to these subjects and replace them with subjects such as science, math and geography. Unlike art and drama, subjects like science develop important skills and are necessary in the future. Later in life you are more likely to need to know how to correctly use a map, something you learn in geography, than the correct way to proportion a human face, so it makes more sense to dedicate time to these subjects. Not only that but jobs in art and drama are less important and contribute nothing to society. But then, of course Hamilton would see them important, someone as dull as him has nothing else going for him"

That got  a few ooooooh's from the crowd, and a few worried glances to the teacher who couldn't seem to care less. Then Hamilton started...

" Thomas, that was a real nice presentation! Welcome to the present, we need are entertainment. You say Art and Drama students amount to nothing? So I'm guessing you hate movies and plays then. But wait didn't I see you with a copy of ' Harry Potter' earlier? So, i'm guessing you skipped the films then? We need to value these courses more, they teach us skills too! art shows us how to express ourselves, drama teaches us confidence! ever seen a lawyer too afraid to speak up? Drama teaches you to  project your voice, how to be heard! I know math and science are important but Jesus, we need a break, we need to handle our creative situation! the industry is dying, this is what it takes to save it! I'm past patiently waiting, I passionate about this situation, every action to create more creators is important! And how do we do that? we teach. We need to nurture kids creativity not crush it and shove equations in it's place. More drama and art classes are what we need."

By the end of his presentation every one was speechless, it wasn't the writing itself that had the audience amazed it was his passion. Energy flowed from him, his eyes were ablaze with determination. It had the entire room convinced to his side of the argument, he won the debate.

Turns out they had been talking longer than expected because class was over. As soon as the bell rang  Jefferson walked towards Hamilton, furious. Hamilton also had a smug ass look on his face, which did not help calm him down.

" what the fuck, Hamilton?"

" what? you sound like I just fucked your wife or some shit"

" you think you can just embarrass me like that, again, and get away with it?"

" it was a debate, the point was to shut down your argument. I don't understand why your getting so riled up. Or did I hurt you little fee-fees?" He said the last part as if he was talking to a toddler, Jefferson practically had steam coming from his ears at this point.

" ugh I am so sick of you. You come in here all new and shit, and act like you own the place!"

" I act like I own the place? said mr. wears a dark purple coat that looks more expensive than my kidney and saunters everywhere practically waving money around whilst dramatically hair flicking his broccoli ass looking wig every three seconds!" They had an audience at this point, Thomas was about to beat the shit out of Hamilton, and Alex seemed to give the fewest amount of fucks possible.

Of course, it was Angelica and Laf to the rescue. Lots of yelling ensued, Alex just drowned out most of it and before he knew it Jefferson had stomped off and he was being dragged to his next class by Angelica and Laf.

" that was pretty impressive, Alex. Didn't know you  had it in you" it was Angelica

" thanks and yelling at people is my passion"

"haha ok well just be careful, Jefferson is a real asshole with some asshole friends. Wouldn't want to get involved with them"

"really? seems to me he storms off without ever really doing any damage. I'll try to stay out of his way though.." he lied, no way was he gonna ' stay out of his way' pffffft! who do you think he is?

" well yeah he isn't one for violence but he can still be pretty nasty. So stay out of his way"


welp that was fun...

like always, comment any questions! thank you for reading

any comments and votes or whatever are appreciated but obviously only if you want to...


Hamilton Mermaid auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon