Funny Excuses

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I'm not lazy, I'm in energy saving mode.


Hi, I'm probably home. I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message and if I don't call you back, it's you.


I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.


I'm not saying I hate you. I'm just saying if you got hit by a bus, I would be driving that bus.


I don't mind you talking so much as long as you don't mind me not listening.


My room is not messy; it is an obstacle course design to keep me fit.


I did not slap you, I simply high five your face.


No, I will not share my IPod with you. It's called an IPod not an UsPod.


I'm not totally useless. I can be use as a bad example.


I'm not fat. My stomach is 3D.

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