two • operation: ground rules

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two • operation: ground rules

            / dedicated to Giselle bc we share the same passion for becoming fangirls of Aaron Johnson. Well, I reveal that he is Wyatt Quimby; enjoy reading! /

            MARTHA WALKS INSIDE THE LIBRARY HALL FINDING ‘WYATT’. According to Mirajane, Wyatt would be at the library reading comics whilst hiding from Serene Evans. She sighs as the cold night strikes her thin frame too much – she hates the cold weather and as much as possible she would spend her time outside. Isn’t that ironic that she loves cold food yet hates the terrible weather?

            “Remember Martha do not scare Wyatt away. He is a…weirdo but he’s gorgeous enough for you to date him.” Mirajane smiled before pinching the cold cheek of Martha.

            Martha rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell me you want Wyatt in our Operation Team so I could date him.”

            “Nonsense! Only a fool could date him and I am sure you do not have a thing for men reading comics all day rather than…” She winked at her and Martha blushed as hard as she can but she tried to look outside remembering the thought they discussed a day ago inside the cab.

            “So I just have to talk as soft as I can but smile weirdly? That’s it no compromises or anything awful?”

            Mirajane nodded but for some reason her smile was very weird, hella weird but nothing rad.

            “Remember to say the passcode: ‘popsicle’ alright?”

            Martha rubs her hands together and she decides to walk by the edge of the library hall of comics, most of the shelves are filled with comics ranging from DC to Marvel, some are manga but she has no concern of reading one but she picks up a random comic and it seems fitful because the comic she picked is Ultraviolet.

            Violet has changing hair with no effort? Why can’t I have a power to change my hair based on my mood? Martha thinks before proceeding to a nearby table where Wyatt is. She sees only a boy seated at the last seat before it goes to the underground floor, his curly hair falls back almost to his shoulder but it’s charming enough for her mouth to hang.

            The only thing she is trying to figure out is how could this boy be a weirdo? He seems normal enough with the average muscles with auburn hair and bright blue eyes like her. So now Mirajane is playing Matchmaker, Martha mentally rolls her eyes before sitting at the next table beside him. She couldn’t see him as to he is behind her but she feels that he did notice her when his neck craned slightly to the left to check who could be sitting here rather than the center library hall.

            Martha flicks the first page to see the first volume, it is awfully old and maybe a limited edition she sees the city view and she could still remember the comic-turned movie where it seems so unrealistic, unrealistic as the comic itself. The only thing Martha couldn’t understand why the hell Violet could walk under the sun when she’s a vampire but answers could be found inside this small comic.

            What should I say? Should I be formally introducing myself as Martha Jeanette? But if I do that they would probably give the first impression I am the ex-girlfriend of Calvin Sterling…how about a pun? Mmm… He might think of me as a weirdo but what is the difference he is also a weirdo, Martha’s eyes sharpen to a different type of blue as her concentration still rubs to the small friction she might be causing to Wyatt.

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