three • art of fakery pt. one

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three • art of fakery

            / dedicated to Holly because she has a certain liking for Mean Girls, this is for you Holls and I hope you would update your story! <3  To all the Wyartha fans, I guess this is my gift for all of you lol. /

            AFTER A WEEK OF STUDIES, WYATT AND MARTHA are trying to not tear their heads off. Of course Martha still has an invisible thread still pulling her to be patient. This boy may be handsome but his heart is impure, almost heartless for her to fall. Three days ago, Mirajane gives a suggestion of putting their relationship into public with the means of hanging out with each other at the park. At first it was fine with Martha trying to look up on her phone about corny jokes, Wyatt’s initial respond was a glare or a cold look only meant that he was not interested.

            She did another approach which was to make ‘Thor’ jokes.

            “What did Thor say when he ripped a paper?”

            He looked at her. “What?”

            “Oops! I tore (Thor) it!”

            Hell then broke out of him – Martha mentions a lot to Mira that this boy is such a nerd, sometimes in most of their conversations they would talk about their favorite heroes and Wyatt suggests that they would watch the latest Marvel movie which is The Amazing Spider-man 2 but Martha isn’t a comic fan, more of a Rom-Com addict.

            Now they are at Martha’s dorm eating the rest of her ice cream. Whenever Martha would take a look outside her window, Wyatt would take small bits of her ice cream before she could even notice it. She sighs and her warm breath evaporates up the February air.

            Wyatt chews on the homemade popcorn Mirajane decided to cook for them. And by the means of ‘cook’ it means pre-heating food at their microwave. Her opinionated statements affirm that her food is healthy enough for her to stop eating fast foods. He taps on the magazine cover of Vogue so that her focus would then avert back to Wyatt.


            “Shouldn’t you be studying?”

            She rolls her eyes and picks up the Vogue magazine to read the latest edition. This magazine is one of her inspiration to create beauty of her magazines and by the designs it may look alike but with her constant touch of floral and liveliness. She scans the pages and sees a woman dressed in all black with the hair almost like Miley’s, she continues to scan over the photo to detect if it needs color adjustments but then Wyatt snatches it and her squirm makes him laugh.

            “It is either we practice this ‘Love Me’ crap that Mira made or I help you with your studies. It is as simple as that.”

            “I don’t know why you are here.” She states.

            He blinks twice. “You called me to come here.”

            It is her turn to blink. She tries to recall if she did call him, but the relapsing moments of her dialing random numbers inside the campus only registers her mind. She gives him an appalled look about it but then murmurs. “Well I guess I could call it a day.”

            He breathes out and ruffles his hand to his atypical curly hair. A day ago it is silky and straight as possible but right now it seems to be drier and curlier as she expects it to be straighter and much more poise, typical boys not even caring about taking a shower. She scrunches her nose but then his irritated face cuts her off. “Look Martha, I can’t just change my status on Facebook that we are really in a relationship. Do you know how many countless messages I am receiving from Serene? Hundreds! All spammed with our kissing photos and as much as I want to come back on her arms I agreed on something we all agreed. Remember what your state was two months ago.”

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