four • into him?

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four • into him?

            / dedicated to Jessa for making such a lovely cover :) I’m really sorry for not updating this fast! You know Junior Life in High School sort of sucks in Mathematics, but anyway I wouldn’t like to expound more on this! Enjoy <3 /

            “YOU SHOULD STOP now,” After another moment of kissing Wyatt, Martha could not remember the last time her mouth could taste like cherries and mint. Her mouth tastes the average American breakfast: Eggs and bacon and the sad thing is she doesn’t really go for meat in this month. After her annual check-up in the doctor, her doctor says dramatically that she’s gained fifteen pounds and the things she could do is to buy killer heels and organic food.

            His lips quirk into a heavy smile, his blue eyes crinkle just like hers. The ways people think of them are of an incest-type because they look the same—blue eyes and brown hair. “You’re not fat, Marty. You got a little of meat on your bones.”

            “Meat on the bones, it doesn’t sound convincing. It sounds tempting enough to never eat. It’s all Calvin’s fault I’ve been hogging on ice cream.”

            “You don’t look fat,” he repeats again.

            “Stop comforting me, ass-hat.” She glares at him quickly before wiping her lips. “Plus I’m expecting that when you kiss me you’d have your mouth Listernized, imagine all the oil stuck on my tongue that’s slowly creeping down my esophagus down to my stomach…then the fats,” she groans inwardly.

            “I eat organic burgers,”

            “That’s a big lie Wyatt, you’re face literally trembles with your baby fats. Please swim now.”

            Martha tries to push Wyatt off her balcony but despite their public make-out in a very cold night it didn’t stop them to expressing their own hate of how much Calvin Sterling irritates them in so many ways: one) in how he can turn one single ‘otp’ into a ‘Calvin and Kerby’ thing within one day of horror and lastly two) of which Wyatt desperately needs to become the varsity captain in their swimming team. But Martha knows secretly that Wyatt’s baby fats are still stuck all because of a burger.

            I need a new hobby, a new sport. Any suggestions, conscience? She asks herself but her mind beeps only another euphoria of how she’ll be losing wait just by eating Ben and Jerry’s well again, that’s a very sick dream that is bound to happen.

            Oh how I wish, she groans again. She looks up to see Wyatt smiling attentively, despite her tremendous push of a homicide Wyatt still stays in place. “What?”

            “Nothing, you just look like you’re having that brain bomb. You know what happened in Japan right?”

            She shakes her head. “Fuck you Wyatt, I pray that you’d die.”

            He nods in response. “As you wish my lady,”

            Wyatt gives a quick peck to her hand and whispers, “I’m passing my germs to you, by this you’ll be even at death.”

            “You wish,” she spats. “Now off you go, we have shopping to do: 50% off at Uniqlo and who wouldn’t want to miss that, would you?” Wyatt doesn’t answer but just keeps calm when walking down the ladder. He looks like a prince but there is no ‘Calvin’ factor running in her mind. All she knows is that Wyatt is helping her have this sweet revenge on Kerby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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