⏺Bill Denbrough

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Your not alone

I had been friend with Bill since birth almost but since George had passed away Bill himself in and wouldn't talk to anyone. Of course I had tried to get him to talk about it but it just made things more tense between us.

It was two weeks after George's murder and I went to go to comfort Bill. As I approached the Denbroughs front door I adjusted the collar on my black windbreaker. As soon as I knocked on the door Mrs.Denbrough opened the door "Bill's upstairs" her hoarse voice cracked out."Thank you mrs. Denbrough" I said watching het struggle to muster a smile. Brushing past her I ran up the stairs slowing down when i saw georgie's door nudged open. I peaked into his room and saw Bill sitting on his bed looking through a photo album. My heart broke as  I saw years streaming down his face.Not wanting to scare him I softly knocked on the door "l- l- leave me a- a- lone ." Bill said "Bill it's me ,Y/N." He glanced back at me and quickly rubbed  his face free of tears then proceeding to shoot over on George's bed. Taking that as an invitation to sit down by him"are you alright Bill?" I questioned "i- i- I - d- d- don't w- ant to t- talk a a- a bout it." He said quickly "are you sure ?I just don't want you to feel alone that you have no on to tal-." " I said I don't want To to talk about him or anything for that matter."He yelled without stumbling over his words "s-so go A-away." His eyes started watering again. Knowing that I wasn't wanted there I stood up and walked to the door then turned around and said, " yknow what Bill I loves George too your not the only one going through this." "W-well w-where w-were y-you w- w- when he  died huh s- so s- s- s- stop p- retending to C- care. ?" I hadn't even noticed that I was crying until I tasted the all to familiar taste of salty years and snot seeping into my mouth "fuck you asshole,"was all I could get out before running down the the states and away from Bill Denbrough for as long as I could."
《Present time》
It had been at least a month since the accident with Bill and every time I see him riding silver down the street I can't help but miss the feeling of being on the back seat of the bike with him peddling fast.I was to caught up in my pity party that i didn't notice a familiar bike racing my way until I hit my butt bone on the cement  "aah" I groaned "s-s-s-orry .... Y/N." I looked up and saw stuttering Bill he had his right  hand sticking out I'm guessing he was trying to help me up. Ignoring his hand I pushed myself up and turned the other direction trying to get as far away from Bill as I could "y-y-n p-please s-stop w-w-alking s-so fast." Anger rushed through my veins when he addressed me like nothing had ever happened before deciding it would be better to just leave it before one of us blew up I continued walking ahead of him "I know what i said to you  wasn't right and I'm sorry I really miss you." He said smoothly.Debating whether I should forgive him my voice came out in a sqeuk "what you said hurt Bill but I would be lying if i said I hadn't missed you to." He sighed in relief before pulling me into a bone crushing hug "i- i- I love y- y- you y/n."I pulled back and said "I love you too Bill Denbrough and please lnow that your never alone."

October 16, 2017

A/N this imagine went through a lot of changes anyway hope you like it and request are open

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