Chapter 1

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Shadow and silver ran upstairs to see fang for another tale. They also took blue with them. "Do you think he will tell us another one?" Silver questioned. "Well I think he has so many memorized that he will always have tales of him."Shadow told. They got to Fangs door when suddenly, they heard rustling on the other side. "Well, it sounds like he is busy right now." Blue had blurted out randomly." Shhhhhhh. I hear him to talking to someone." Silver said, putting her ear up to the door. Shadow was right about to leave when he heard the door open. He turned around to see Fang walking out with tired eyes. "what were you guys doing at my door?"He said, curious of what they were doing. Well, they couldn't think of a excuse so they just told him why. "We wanted to hear another story!" Silver said. They liked his story's and even tried to say them to friends. Soon they had to eat some food for supper. Blue had made pizza for them all to share. Since there were only 4 people living there, it was easy to split. Then, night came and they all had to go to bed. "Goodnight guys!" Fang yelled from the hallway, since he was the first one done.

Cliff Hanger!! I know this may be pretty bad but, hey its my first  story I have ever written so. I hope have enjoyed this first chapter! also wow if you count this A\N this is over 200+ words. good considering I'm on my phone doing this.

Bye my little wolves!~Enchanted articwolf Out!!

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