Important a/n

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Okay guys, i just saw a DRUNK DRIVER infront of my car and i am TERRIFIED. We had called the cops twice. He RAN OFF THE ROAD AND INTO OTHER LANES LIKE 50 TIMES. And there was ANOTHER drunk driver heading TWOATDS us. Oh BOI this was so eventful. I may update tomorrow. Pray for me :'). Also, i got a new phone but auto correct is a BITCH. I hope none of you do this and this has scared me for life. And im still A FUCKING KID. Im only 11 and a half and have seen this. Dont do this when your older. My grammar may be bad but rhats because my handes are SHAKING SO HARD RN. I hope you guys are safe. ~*May starclan light your path*.

Not everyone is good ( My newer OC's)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin