chapter 2

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They had all went to bed by now when fang got up and quietly went down the hall. he had grabbed a mask that was all torn and blood covered as he walked out the door. He had been visiting Withered shadow or also known as Damaged. Damaged was who he had told about in tales. He followed a familiar trail that led to a old shed far out into the woods. As he walked, he made sure he was not reconized so he would not get caught by blue.  Blue was normally out to get food or to visit a friend at this time. He walked and walked until he found it. He pulled the chains apart as he walked in. Damaged was sitting at the other side of the room, asleep or shut down. Fang knocked on his head which made him swing his head up. "HUH WHAT?!" He screamed as he slammed his head agenst a wall. "Hello again"Fang said.

Another cliffhanger! it is 10 at night and im spossed to be in bed. Im super tierd so bye! ps i am not dead.

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