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"Okay, so what are we doing now?" I asked. Kyle grinned. And suddenly a girl appeared out of nowhere, as abruptly as Hayden had disappeared.

Long black hair cascaded to her waist, contrasting with her pale skin and startling blue eyes. She looked around seventeen. Kyle smiled. "Camille, this is Krystal. Krystal, Camille."

Krystal extended a hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you," she said. "There aren't enough A.I. Link Modules to guide new students, so I'll be taking you to the Lunar Chronicles fandom part of Fandom Academie."

With that, she waved to Kyle and a blue mist enveloped us. I didn't have time to say anything before I was lost in a haze of blue. Colours swirled before my eyes and it felt like zooming through a cloud.

The mist disappeared.

A lush garden lay in front of us, with vibrant flowers blooming in neat rows in flower beds, hedges clipped to perfection and trees standing tall and proud. And at the end was... a mansion. It was a castle. A palace. "Your new home," Krystal grinned with a grand sweep of her arm. "Camille, welcome to Fandom Academie."


Krystal led me into the academy, with its impressive white marble steps flanked huge pillars. I tried to stop gawking as she opened the massive doors to reveal a fancy hall. I didn't want her to think I had no class.

"I'll take you to your room first," Krystal announced. "You'll have time to get settled before meeting up with the other students."

"Kay!" I chirped, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

Krystal led us up a flight of royal red carpeted stairs. "Your room is on the fourth floor, room 1U. One for the junior form, and there are twenty six rooms on one floor."

We walked up three more flights of stairs and reached a long, blue carpeted corridor with doors on both sides. Krystal stopped at the one with 1U engraved on the door. She held her hand up to the scanner on the door. It bleeped and the door swung open.

I gasped. In front of me was the perfect bedroom. My dream bedroom. Near the ceiling was a bubble-like pod, which I guessed was the bed. A ladder led up to it. Below was the normal things- a closet, a dressing table, a bookshelf, a desk. But everything looked so... modern. There was a huge portscreen on the desk, which was flashing with different notifications. And the carpet felt warm- it was probably electric. "It's... perfect," I breathed.

Krystal smiled at my delight. "All the rooms are different, designed specially for each student," she explained. She walked over to the closet and opened the door. I couldn't help myself- I squealed. It was packed with outfits- breezy dresses like the one I was wearing, as well as chunky...spacesuits? But it all looked really cool. Krystal pointed to the screen fitted on the inside of the door. "Camille, pick a name for your computer." 

"A name?"  I grinned.  "Mini 'Mille."

Krystal laughed.  "Your version of Little Cress, I presume."  She pressed a key on the computer.

The screen lit up and a seemingly human voice said, "Hi Camille, I'm Violet, your new personal assistant. I'm connected to all telescreens in your room- the one above your bed, the one on the desk, and this one. I can do lots of things- tell me the occasion and I'll pick you an outfit, I'll wake you up in the morning and show you your schedule for the day, and I also provide snacks." The white cube next to the telescreen on the desk beeped. "It's me," Violet said. "Merely say whatever you want to eat and I'll bring it to you. Shall I demonstrate?"

My inner fangirl was screaming.  "I'M CRESS!  I'M CRESS!"  On the outside, though, I didn't completely lose it.  I hope.  "I'd like a chocolate milk, please."

Noiselessly, the side of the cube slid to the top to reveal a hole inside. Illuminated by a little white light was my chocolate milk.

"Wowza," I said, impressed. I grabbed the drink from the cube and started slurping. Then I remembered Krystal. "Would you like a drink as well?"

She shook her head.  "Nah.  Anyway now that you're settled in, would you like to see the dining hall?


Steam rose from huge tureen which I gathered contained soup judging from the amazing smell.  The pots and pans were clanking around on their own accord and Krystal informed me that they were programmed to auto-cook.  I sniffed the air appreciatively and Krystal smiled.  "Dinner's in half an hour.  Just enough time for a quick tour."

The tour was like a dream.  This was the definition of my dream school.  Soft carpets that my feet sank into, heavy velvet curtains at the French windows, and the aroma of flowers that hung around everywhere.

We arrived at a small lobby-like area with couches, potted plants and even a small fountain. Krystal gestured to the sofas.  "Have a rest.  The diner bell will ring in ten minutes time.  The tour was a lot quicker than I expected."

I sat down gratefully.  Despite the fluffy carpets, my feet had gotten quite sore.  I took out my phone with hesitant glance at Krystal.  "Go on," she said with a wink.  "I'm not going to evesdrop on any phone calls."

I grinned.  "Appreciated."

I dialled the familiar numbers.  Hayden was the first person I called whenever I wanted to rant.  And that was most of the time.  Anyway, now it was perfect because we'd finally met.

I didn't know how to feel about the part that he was super cute, though.

Okay, so maybe this was like a dream where everything I wanted came true?  A fangirl's definition of paradise?

Live in a cool room, check.  Attend something close to Hogwarts, check.  Dating... wait a second.  Nobody ever said anything about dating.  So what if he looked good?  So what if he was nice?  We were friends.

I was about to press call when a familiar voice spoke.

"Looking for me, 'Mille?"

(A/N: Yay another chapter done! The whole fangirl group was yelling at me to get this done today ;)  Again, thanks for all the reads!  ~Evy)

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