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I stood in front of the gigantic mirror of my room and straightened my black tie. I looked into it and looked at my reflection.

I wore a black tuxedo and a pair of shining leather shoes. A white handkerchief stuck out of my chest pocket in a neat angle. My hand skimmed through my slicked hair and I smiled.

Perfecto, I thought as I smiled proudly at my look. Thank you, amil, for all these years of etiquette and socialising lessons. I picked up the white rose that I had bought for my partner and my Venetian mask, and I walked out of my room.

"Finally, mellon. It took you ages! What took you so long?" Ariel groaned in annoyance. She was wearing a pale green dress with a golden leaf medallion hanging over her chest. She waved her metallic green mask in front of me, clearly impatient.

"I was busy grooming myself," I muttered. Both Ariel and Alex, who was accompanying Ariel, raised their eyebrows.

"We're just missing Mel. Where on Middle Earth is she? She can't be taking longer than Hayden," Alex wondered, his fingers tapping onto his emerald green mask. At least I think it's a 'he' and 'him' and whatnot, as Alex was wearing a suit.

"You don't know anything about girls and their habits. We, girls, like to take our time to prepare." Ariel chided.

"Oh, you forgot that I'm gender-fluid?" Alex asked crossly. They started to banter like a pair of married couples. I swear, they were meant to be.

"Ahem, lovebirds, are we ready to go?" A voice broke the heated pair apart. I turned my hair and gaped.

She was wearing a dark purple dress with silts, showing her long legs and her bronze skin. Diamonds splashed across the rim of the dress, and an amethyst belt sat on her hips which emphasised her athletic figure. She wore a simple golden ring (A/N: See what I did here, my fellow Ringers?), which matched her golden eyeshadow and her plump, burgundy lips, covered by her purple Venetian mask. She was just so elegant and beautiful, even prettier than Kylie Jenner with her duck lips. She was...well...Aphrodite herself.

I wasn't aware that I was staring, until Mel giggled and said, "Take a picture, Hayden. It lasts longer." I blushed in embarrassment.

"You're too beautiful, Mel. I can't keep my eyes off you," I breathed, avoiding Alex and Ariel's gossipy ears. Mel, flustered, blushed lightly.

Blushed? Wait...what? DID I JUST FLIRT WITH MELANIE? WHAT???

Oh, save me, Valar.

I am doomed.


The Dining Hall in the main wing was decorated in a lavish way. The long dining tables for each wings were replaced by small, coffee tables covered by a white tablecloth. The floating candles were glittering gold, and there wasn't a particle of dust in sight on the marble flooring.

The sweet-smelling air filled my nostrils whenever I took a deep breath. Melanie was chatting with a boy, and Alex and Ariel seemed to be enjoying themselves. My date still hadn't arrived, and I was getting on my toes.

A trio of girls stepped through the oak doors. I stared at Camille, who was chatting with Brooke and...what's her name again? Right, AJ, the combat girl. They seemed to enjoy each others' company.

I walked up to Brooke, without breaking my eye contact with Camille. Brooke looked petite and cute in her dress, and I smiled to myself. I had forgotten how cute Brooke is. She was like my little sister. Not that I had one.

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