Chapter 1

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A fine weather settled over the village of Konoha, with its villagers and shinobi alike going around their usual routine. No commossion, no fights, no explosions. Everything was9 peaceful in Konoha, and Kakashi wished that it will stay this way.


And his wish was not answered.

"What is it, Shizuki-kun?"

Kakashi sighed under his mask as he looked at at the chunnin, who has replaced Shikamaru as his assiatant since the jounin was on a mission with Chouji and Ino.

"The reports from previous days are gone. I couldn't find them anywhere!"

Shizuki said as he bit his fingernail, knowing he'll be in deep trouble.

"Of course they're gone. Its here on the desk with me. I went to fetch it myself when you were asleep on your desk."

Kakashi patted at the stack of files on his desk, beside his computer. Shizuki sighed in relieve, before looking at Kakashi's eyes with fear.


"You may take your leave now, Shizuki-kun. Have a nice day."

"Bu... But.."

Kakashi's smile was the last thing Shizuki saw before two ANBU shinobis grabbed him by the shoulder and he was out of the Hokage building in a blink of an eye, the two ANBUs disappeared im a cloud of smoke.

Kakashi slumped down on his chair, not in the mood to continue his paperworks anymore. Staring blankly over Konoha through the windows, Kakashi sighed, womdering if the peace of the shinobi world will last.

"You're kinda harsh with the chunnin, Hokage-sama."

"And how long have you been amused, Kazeshi-kun??"

Kakashi smiled at his personal ANBU, Kazeshi Edo, who chuckled as he stepped out of the shadow.  He wore the mask of a bat and underneath his ANBU tattoo was a tattoo of a bat's shape.

"Long enough, Hokage-sama. He should've known this was coming his way. I had to do them while he's slacking off."

"And I have to thank you for that than, Zeshi-kun."

Kazeshi glared at the Hokage who only smiled too innocently.

"Don't call me that."

"Ma, I think its suits you, ne?"

Kazeshi stayed quiet and put on his mask, his emerald green eyes stared at Kakashi under the mask.

"Its almost five, Hokage-sama."

"Huh, it is almost five. Are you leaving??"

"Yes. Have a good night, Hokage-sama."

And wih that, Kazeshi disappeared from Kakashi's office. Looking at the stacks of paperworks on his deck, Kakashi thought that no one would mind if he slacked off a little. And with that thought in mind, Kakashi left the Hokage building.



An explosion was heard and clouds of smoke filled the area of Team Seven's training grouds. The smoke cleared shortly, revealing Naruto standing there, impressed by the damage his Rasengan did to a hundred dummies, which has vaporized into thin air.

After clearing up the training ground, Naruto took off to Ichiraku for dinner, before a group of fangirls came swarming around him, offering him presents and letters.

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