Chapter 2

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That night, Kakashi couldn't sleep at all. He tossed and turned on his tatami, desperately trying to sleep as he has to wake up early in the morning to attend a council meeting.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his left upper arm and gasped. Kakashi immediately sat up on his tatami, rolling up his sleeve to reveal a wolf-shaped tattoo on his arm, its eyes were as red as blood and looked very similar to that of a Sharingan.

Kakashi stared at the tattoo in disbelief and touched the tattoo, when hot searing pain immediately racked his entire body, causing him to grit his teeth in pain. The tattoo burned a bright blue, making Kakashi gasped in pain and tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
As it grew even brighter, the pain grew even more, causing Kakashi to double over, and with a last look towards Mitsuki's room, Kakashi fainted.


Kakashi woke up in a dark place, his body seemingly glowed in the dark abyss as he looked around the area. A loud growl came from Kakashi's left side, and as he turned, Kakashi finds himself face to face with a giant wolf. Its eyes glowed an angry red, the unique blue patterns on its white coat looked like blue fire dancing around the wolf's neck.

"Ah, the infamous son of White Fang. About time you showed up."

With that said, the wolf burst into smokes, to reveal one thousand smaller duplicates of himselfs.

"Lets see how the Copy Ninja of Konoha stand up against a pack of wolves."

With a loud growl, the first of the wolves charged towards Kakashi, followed by a pair after another. As the first wolf pounced on him, Kakashi whipped up a kunai and slashed at the first wolf, which howled and disappeared. Two pairs of wolves circled around the Rokudaime like predators surrounding their prey, in which Kakashi narrowed his eyes before throwing four shurikens to one pair, and the other a smoke bomb.

The real Raikiri stood from a distance, watching as his bearer finished off his duplicates one by one.

"I had never thought of you to be one of those who torture his bearer, Kiri-kun~~"

"Don't call me that. And how long have you been watching?"

"The moment the tattoo appeared. Batsy told me."


Raikiri slumped his head down, his red eyes glaring at a certain direction in the dark abyss.

"Earth style: Mud wall!"

Raikiri turned his head back to find his one thousand duplicates has been reduced to only less than five hundred of them, and his eyes narrowed when Kakashi locked eyes with him before turning his head away to kick one of the wolves who pounced on him.


"I'm doing this for his own good. If he can't even defeat my duplicates, he won't be strong enough to seal me in when the Red Moon comes."

Raikiri said as he closed his eyes, merging himself with one of the bigger wolves in the pack, and launched himself onto Kakashi, who was busy fending three other wolves who growl and snapped their jaws at him.

"Gah ha!!"

Kakashi kneeled onto the floor as blood sputtered out of his left shoulder, smearing blood all over the floor around him. Gasping for breath, Kakashi slowly stood up while holding his bleeding shoulder, glaring at Raikiri that bit him.

"Is that all you got, Sharingan Kakashi??"

"Fire style: Fire Dragon's Fury!"

Two fire dragons came out of Kakashi's mouth and headed straight towards Raikiri, who dodged swiftly while the other wolves clawed at Kakashi, distracting the Hokage. While his duplicates created a diversion by charging and clawing at Kakashi, Raikiri seized the chance to pounce on Kakashi, this time determined to bite his arm.

"Water Style: Water Formation Wall!"

Raikiri growled unhappily as the water wall blocked his attack on Kakashi. Looking around him, Raikiri was impressed that Kakashi had already finish off so many of the wolves that the numbers dropped from hundred to only less than twenty.

"Water Style: Water Bullets!"

This sudden attack from Kakashi caused the wolves to decrease rapidly, until only three are left. Raikiri grinned, knowing his bearer wasn't someone to be taken lightly nor messed with.

With a howl, Raikiri charged at Kakashi, two wolves on either side of him ran than leaped towards Kakashi who slashed at them with his kunai, while Raikiri slowly charged up an electric ball.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Blade!"

Kakashi looked up, his eyes wide as he stared at Raikiri, who charged at him with his signature jutsu directed at him.

"Lightning Style: Purple Lightning!"

Kakashi's left hand emerged a whip that cackled with purple electricity and lash out at Raikiri, who's Raikiri got disabled as he howled in pain before disappearing .

Kakashi panted as he clutched his left shoulder, which had stop blleding. A huge shadow loomed over him which made Kakashi turned around qiuckly with a kunai in hand, only to find Raikiri looming over him with his red eyes staring at him.

"Congrats, brat, you passed!"

Raikiri grinned as his giant paw sort of ruffled Kakashi's silver hair, before placing a knock-out jutsu on the Rokudaime who passed out onto the floor.

"My work here is done. Next task is...??"

"Don't appear unless told to."

"Easy enough. A little advice, Kakashi's got a son in the room beside his, so try not to squeal."

"He has a son??!!"

Raikiri only smiled as he disappeared into the shadows.

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