part - two ; one last time..

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You sensed tears roll down your face as you lifted up your luggage, the envelope from King's College in your hand, eyeing it briefly.

"You ready for your flight,
Y/n?" Arianne randomly spoke out of the blue. You turned around to face her, she was too, crying. You felt your heart shatter at the fact that you're leaving your best friend, whom you might never see ever again- but, she's your bestfriend, of course you'll see her again.. right?

"Yes, well, that's what I think I am" You chuckle sadly, pulling Arianne to a tight-full of love and sorrow- hug. "I'll so very much miss you" "that doesn't make any sense, Ari." You laughed and pulled away, wiping your own tears. "It doesn't need to!" She smiled, patting your shoulder. You will, surely, miss her.


Arianne helped you unload the bags from the trunk of the cab, gripping the handle tightly, it is certain on her face that she was devastated for you to leave. Welp, there's no turning back now.

You pulled her in to another hug again, this time it was filled with sadness and woe. "I, once again, will miss you dearly!" You shouted, causing people to stare at both of you. "Drop the formalities!" She pulled away and playfully punched your shoulders, "Me too, gurl. Me too." Ari was at the verge of tears when the two of you heard a loud voice coming from the speaker, "Flight 143 is about to take lift in 10 minutes, passengers please make your way." A feminine voice said, informing the people.

"Well, that's your flight, good luck, home slice-bread slice dawg." She chuckled causing you to laugh at your nickname. "Okay fine, thanks buddy-chum-pal-friend." You chortled as you took your bags from her and nodded, accepting this is the last time you'll see ever her.

"Text me when you land! Inmate." She waved farewell and smiled sadly. You did the same, you inhaled deep and and closed your eyes, turning back to Ari, she was till there. "I bid you adieu, Sarcastic Biatch." You laughed and rotated again, meeting the glass doors. "Drop the formalities!" She shouted before you entered the airport.

Breathing in the smell of the place, you walked over to the counter and gave the person there your I.D. and passport.

[Time skip cuz' I ain't knowing what to do in airports.]


I walked over to my empty seat inside the airplane, recently, I just saw two people fighting outside the departure, how weird, but meh- no one cares.

As I was putting my stuff in the small cabinet on the top, a flight stewardess helped me and said she can handle it. I nodded and thanked her then sat down on the single chair near the window, I'm so thankful that I'm on the window seat! Even though it was a single chair.. still!

The flight attendant closed the cabinet with a quiet yet kinda loud 'bang!' then she walked off, helping other passengers. I groaned rather quietly and looked out the window, we were still waiting for other people, ugh, why are they late? I need to go to New York! right here right now! or maybe I can convince the pilot to fly now. Who am I kidding? I can absolutely get myself into trouble, not now.

"Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen we are about to lift off, please tuck in your seatbelts tightly and refrain from standing. Electronics and other devices shall be turned off while flying. Thank you." The pilot spoke monotonously, signalling everyone to calm their butts and relax.

[Time skip. Cuz' who wants to read what ppl do inside airplanes.]

Y/n's POV

It's almost been three hours and I'm bored out of my mind. I take a look outside, well, I saw The Statue of Liberty..







Oh my god.

I'm in New York City! I'm so excited! I felt my cheeks burn in pain as I realized I have been smiling too hard. Ugh, It hurts. I put a hand over to rub one of my cheek and force myself to pout, trying to get rid of the hurting sensation. Well, trying.

I bit my lower lip, attempting to refrain damaging my cheeks more.

3rd Person View

As the plane glides above the tall buildings, Y/n felt nothing else than happiness and excitement. The giddy girl let out a happy 'sigh' and watched as they were approaching the airport from above.

The captain already announced that they will be landing soon. As he said that, the plane then leaned carefully downward and softly landed. Y/n on the other hand, tried to keep herself together from squirming out of her feverish state. She is in New York, after all.


835 words all in all peeps! Yeah! So, um.. you're in New York- ooh la la. Good luck.

The next Chap is where you will meet John! Huehuehuehuehue ;^)
I promise you no promises.

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