pt - five ; meeting.

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[next day]

After John left to bond with his friends, I was alone. I didn't have friends that go here or if they were, I wouldn't know. Probably they'll be out with their friends too.

But seeing my current state; I was bored. I tried to do something around the dorm to please myself but I'd get distracted, especially on my thoughts.

Eventually I got something I can do for hours (it's more of something I browse on than do). The Internet. It's such a good place to spend your time and meet people, much like me, I get to see new celebrities (and youtubers.. and also singers). But I stick to watching my favorite.

So, I grabbed my laptop and dashed to my bedroom, plopping down to my bed. I sighed, going on what I planned to do.

After a few hours, I grew bored again. Debating on whether calling Arianne or not. "Maybe she's busy." I whispered to myself, "Or maybe she's not." I groaned, grabbing a nearby pillow and shoving it to my face.

Then, a familiar ringtone was heard around the room. I sat up, throwing the pillow I used back to where it belongs.

Checking who the caller is, I was shocked, well, somewhat felt relieved that Arianne called me.

I grinned happily and pressed the answer button. It took time to see her face but I eventually did.

Curse slow loading.


"Hey Ari!" I greeted her with a smile, slightly waving. I sat up and crossed my legs, setting the laptop on the middle of my crossed legs, adjusting the monitor a little bit.

"Heyyy there!" She returned the wave and laughed. "You know, funny thing, I was hesitating to call you but, uh, here we are.. I guess?" She laid on her belly and rested her head on her right arm that is propped up with the help of her elbow.

I looked at her in disbelief. "Really? Me too!" I chuckled. She gasps and smiles wider.

Oh I know what she's thinking.

"Coincidence? I think not." We both say together in a sing-song tone. After that, we laughed.

"S-So.." She trailed off, chuckling a little. I calmed down a little and raised a brow. "So..?" I repeated her word, smiling.

"How's life there?" She said, fixing her position slightly.

[Time skip bc author is so damn lazy]

After a few minutes, about 30 or so, me and Arianne said our goodbyes.

I stayed on the internet for a while, on Tumblr, specifically, and surfed through the website.

After that, I finally got something productive to do. Huffing, I closed my laptop and sat up, releasing a deep sigh. Staying in that same position for a few seconds before scooting over to the edge and standing up, my bare feet touching the cold-ish warm floor, I shivered.

Making my way to the cabinet, I grabbed some clothing. Took me a while since I tried to find that 'perfect' outfit. Key word; Tried.

After some time of scavenging, it turns out I don't have any (or my brain just gave up on fashion). I sighed in defeat and chose a presentable outfit.

After I was done changing,I grabbed my wallet and dashed to the front door, departing my dorm

I hurriedly walked down the hallway and turned a corner, bumping unto someone. Instinctively, my body took few tipsy steps back to refrain me from falling.

The person I crashed into fell down to their butt, they groaned in pain as I tried to retrieve myself. I looked at them and widen my eyes, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I apologized, approaching him and lending a hand, bending over a little bit. The person looked up and huffed. I examined his features; black-ish brown thick curly hair with the same coloured eyes, his skin is a soft mocha colour. And not to forget the facial hair.

Once he saw me, he blinked a few times and grinned a little, taking my hand. I pulled him up with me, him also trying to help himself up. Afterwards, he looked down at me and grinned again, a little
bigger this time.

Note to self; this guy is a giant. A giant.



I really apologize on updating sO DaNG LoNg and making y'all wait. But other than that, uh, here's the chapter? This honestly looks like a filler but meh¿

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