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Ryan still couldn't let go of the strangers face. It clinged onto his mind and was all he could see even as he was thrusting himself into that girl he had picked up. He wasn't enjoying it. Not one bit. She was too low for his standards. Wasn't even his type. But he still needed that. Ryan couldn't go one day without having someone in his bed and killing them afterwards. It was a dangerous and thrilling cycle that made his life somewhat interesting if you'd ask him. But nothing about what was happening right now felt right. The moans that escaped her lips sounded way to slutty and high for his taste. The way her body reacted to his was weak and desperate. She just let him do everything to him. It was nearly boring. That girl didn't even try to pull him close but just lay there reaction to what he was doing just by moaning and maybe arching her back once in a while. She seemed to enjoy it even though Ryan didnt even put half of the work he usually put into it in here now. His eyes darted over to the digital clock that was igniting the room yet so slightly. One last glance at the girl before he hurried to grab the pillow from the side pushing it down on her head. He body twichted lightly as Ryan pulled out to press the soft fabric down on her face. She didn't react right away probably because he didn't understood what was going on at first but when she did she punched wild around her not even really hitting Ryan. Her movements got weaker and weaker as he could hear her choke at her own breath mixed with fabric and pillow stuffing. A smile appeared on Ryan's face as she slowly stopped moving under him and the muffled screams faded away. He stayed like this for a few more minutes before putting the pillow away from her face.

The head of the girl was blue and the veins in her eyes reached up to the iris. Some busted apart causing red spots in her blue eyes. His long fingers gently traced her cheeks as he admired his work. A small chuckle escaped his lips before he let himself fall to the side of the bed stroking himself lazily. He didn't even come yet and she was already dead and as much as Ryan loved the killing he was not gonna fuck a corpse. That was too freaky even for him. He looked over at the now even more ugly face of the girl sighing. She was worth the death. She wasn't good enough. Ryan's mind wandered to that strangers face again without even wanting it. His hand gripped tighter around his member as he tried to remember every feature of the man's face. He began to groan slightly wondering what the name of the stranger was. While his mind got lost in all these wonders he finished himself off next to the dead body.

Lying there panting he actually began to think about why that stranger was on his mind all the time. But no explanation he had for himself seemed to fit in his head so he gave up after a while and went to take a shower before he would dispose the body that was breathlessly lying on his bed.

In the shower Ryan's mind tried to keep itself bush with choosing his next "hunting location." But the thought of the stranger maybe being there aroused and made him a little anxious too. The man didn't like that his mind was so occupied with the stranger but at the same time it made him feel something. He just didn't know if that was good or not.

As Ryan returned the body was still there unmoved but what would you expect otherwise. He got dressed quickly before picking the girl up and throwing her over his shoulder making his way down to the basement. He only set her aside as he stood In front of a big wooden wardrobe. Careless he opened the doors and let his fingers dance over the back of it until he found that tiny little nail that allowed him to open the back and reveal a dark tunnel. He switched the light on and stepped through switching the light on before getting the body and closing the wardrobe and it's secret door again. Then he made his way down the dimmly lit corridor until he reached the end of it. A metal door. Fumbling to find the right key in his pocket was something Ryan was more than used to. So it took maybe two seconds until the door was open. He thought the body to the ground as he locked the door beside him again. That silent crunch when the head of that girl hit the ground carelessly put a smile onto Ryan's sinister face. He run his hand through his hair before laughing maniacally at what he had done. That was nearly a do That at this point. The thrilling sensation of the kill still danced through his body and would soon be forever saved in his memory next to the at least fifty others. At first Ryan only came down here once in a while. Maybe once in a month but that wasn't enough to satisfy his needs to months got weeks and weeks got days.

The room wasn't big nor small. In the middle was a metal table to strap person's down if needed. A chair of course. And a metal one with straps too. Sometimes Ryan liked to have a little more fun with his chosen partners. But she wasn't worth it. Another big wardrobe in the corner with all the needed instruments and a big box in the other. He went over to the metal box without a second thought opening it putting the body inside and closing it up again. He smirked one last time before he pressed the button on the side of it.

"Good bye."

And with that the sound of metal running through flesh and bone multiple times filled the whole room for about ten seconds before it stopped. He opened the lid a bit o sed if everything was made into a thick fluid and nothing that could help identify the victim was left. Ryan smiled to himself as he let the lid fall close and pressed the button on the other side which would release the gory mixture into a pipe that liked exactly like all the other water ones every house had until it got to it's connection point with the sewage pipe to flush all evidence away. After that he just needed to fill the box with soap water and let the same procedure happen again to clean the box from blood and smell. After that he simply went upstairs like nothing had ever happened closing every door after him.

The sun was already igniting his house as he arrived upstairs again and Ryan decided hunger was present in his stomach. He walked over to his fridge but as he opened it disappointment filled him. Just a few cans of beer and one cabbage that was beginning to get mouldy. A sigh escaped his lips as he realized that it was time for grocery shopping again. But before that he went to bed were the scent of the girl still lingered and fell asleep for a few hours. No shops would be open anyway at this time.

Ryan woke up around three in the afternoon by a nearly boring feeling in his empty stomach. Ruffling through his hair once was enough for him to let him feel like he was ready to go outside. Grabbing keys and wallet as he walked out of the door. The sun had hid behind the clouds but it was still light outside. Sitting down into his car Ryan was already annoyed of all the people that he would see and maybe interact with in the shopping mall. People who just stand in the way or screaming kids. Like, yea the club's were full but at least there were some good looking chicks and not just parents or old people that tried to hide the fact that their life was boring as hell in buying healthy food or food that looks yet so fun. Ryan just couldn't relate to that lifestyle but still he needed food like everybody else. So there was no way around if h didn't want to live on take away.

He looked the engine and stepped out out of the car unwillingly as he arrived and made his way into the big building. Pushing through crowds of people that thought it would be a good idea to just stand in the middle of an aisle so no one else got through as they chose wether brown or white rice was the better one definitely was one of Ryan's most hated shopping experiences. As he got everything he needed he quickly made his way to the cashier, payed and rushed out.

As he hurried to his car with both arms full of groceries because he was too caught up in getting out of there to grab a bag he hear a merely familiar voice call out behind him. "Sir! You lost something! Sir!"

He stopped and turned around with the most annoyed face he could make as his hazel eyes met the chocolate brown ones that ghosted around his mind since he first saw them. He nearly dropped everything as the dark haired man arrived him with a dark letter wallet in his hands which turned out to be Ryan's.

The eyes of the smaller man lit up as he saw Ryan's face. "Oh, hey! I saw you yesterday in the club!", he said joyful with a voice that somehow reminded Ryan of velvet. " You lost your wallet, man.", he said as he wanted to hand the small letter thing to Ryan who couldn't reach out for it or else everything he held would fall down. "Need a hand?", the stranger asked jokingly as he took a few food items from Ryan's arms so that he was able to get his wallet.

"My name is Brendon, by the way."

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