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Ryan awoke again. He couldn't remember when he began to sleep. Some thing in him told him that it wasn't with his consent. As he opened his eyes he could see that he was tied to a chair again. But this time there was a table in front of him. White. Like everything else in this forsaken room. As Ryan turned his head a few more picture frames where filled with pictures of him. That bastard made pictures of him while he fucked him. But only of Ryan. The head of the brunette spun around trying to make out from where the photos where taken, where the camera was hidden. There was a small black for in the top corner. Was that the camera? Probably. But Ryan had no way of manipulating or breaking it anyways. He was tied down, no matter where he woke up. But at least now he knew that he was always seen. Great.

The man turned back towards the table. On it were two plates, glasses and cutlery. Also white. He never thought he could hate a colour as much as this one now. He raised his head as the door swung open. Brendon was entering the room dressed in a black suit with black shirt, holding a big metal plate with two more plates hidden under a dome on it. But what was more important was that Ryan could see behind Brendon. He hoped to find out Something about his location but no. Just a short dark hallway and then another metal door. Brendon noticed the look of his hostage and turned around with a smug smirk. "Don't worry, love, this is not the last door that is keeping you safe from outside.", and with a soft sigh he closed the white door as well. Ryan huffed at the comment and stared at the man in black. Brendon gave him a kind smile as he walked over and set the plate in the table. "I thought you might be hungry.", he said with a soft voice placing one of the plates on Ryan's plate taking the dome from it to present what was under it, doing the same with his. "Yea, sure... this is totally not poisoned.", Ryan nearly spit out as Brendon began to sit down. The brown eyes lit up with anger like a forest fire. The smile was wiped off his face immediately as his voice erupted from his throat strongly. "I told you yesterday how you have to behave around me." The tune was sharp but Ryan still wasn't convinced or scared for that matter. Still he gave in as far as it was possible for him to make things easier. "Okay,... Sir." The softness in Brendons eyes returned as he nodded with an almost proud smile. "I hope you understand that I have to think that this food may be poisoned, and also, my arms are tied so I can't quite eat anyways.", Ryan's voice was as polite as possible although it nearly killed him on the inside. This guy held him hostage, him, a murderer. Both of them had to be crazy, he knew that he was himself, no one had to tell him. And now he was captured by another crazy person who was probably even crazier than him. Brendon nodded understanding. "Well, in my eyes you are truly beautiful and I've admired your work for quite a while now. I always saw you in clubs taking up some women and returning without them. I know what you do to them. It's not hard to puzzle it together once you have the pieces and the same mind. I admire you. I got you down here so you would be safe from outside and I could have you all for myself. So why should I poison you?", Brendon answered him sounding genuine as he looked Ryan up and down. The taller boy still wasn't too comfortable with the thought of eating the food in front of him. What if this was just a trap. That guy was a killer too. But Ryan was amazingly hungry and some thing made him trust Brendons words, if it was his voice or the way he worded it. Maybe both. Ryan nodded slowly. "And as for you being tied up. I will leave it that way so ... I will have to feed you.", he said with a sweet smile. That was not the answer Ryan had expected. Not at all. He stared at Brendon who began to eat slowly in shock. "So, now that I'm busy eating and you are not, tell me a bit about yourself. In the contrary I will tell about myself, sounds fair?", Brendon said while taking another bite. Ryan knew that he wouldn't take No as an answer. He didn't want to be fed. He wasn't a fucking baby. And neither did he want to tell things about himself. There wasn't much to talk about either, most nights Ryan doesn't remember because he was just totally drunk and some nights Ryan doesn't want to remember. Still, no wasn't an answer. "Yes, sir."

Brendons eyes lit up with joy as these words left Ryan's lips. Almost as if he was proud of him. That look moved something inside Ryan but he just shrugged it off. A wide smile appeared on Brendons lips as he spoke up again. "Well then, tell me a bit about yourself.", the brown eyed said with a soft voice. "Well, uh... There isn't much to say really. I'm 29. Yea, uhm. My birthday is on the 30 August, if that matters. I like making music and yea...", Ryan nearly stuttered. He never stuttered. What was up with that Now? He was nervous telling things about himself. It wasn't because the man in front of him. No. It was because he never really thought about himself. Not about his life and facts about himself at least. He didn't liked his life. He made the for him best out of it but actually he didn't like his life. And he didn't want to think about it. Brendon sensed how uncomfortable Ryan got over that topic and asked the question that was most important to him. "Why and when did you begin?" Both knew what he was asking for. Ryan was nearly thankful for that question for it was way easier to talk about this than his actual life. "A few years ago. It wasn't as often as now though. The first one was a mere accident. She had a choking kink, so I provided just that for her but went a bit to far. There I realised how thrilling it was to see the life fade out of their eyes. How limp the body goes after the heart stopped beating. How the fighting gets weaker and weaker. I can do everything I want until their last breath is drawn. I can force all kinds of methods on them after I satisfied my craving. At the beginning it was because I regret sleeping with them in the first place. They weren't beautiful enough. They still aren't but I need the satisfaction. And now that's not the only reason anymore, it's also the fun in killing.", he explained as he nearly got aroused just by the thought of ending someone's life. The satisfaction was just amazing.

Brendon slowly set his cutlery and stood up, walking around the table towards his hostage, eyeing him curiously. Ryan wasn't even aware of the as his mind was clouded with all his murders. Brendons hand placed itself gently on Ryan's cheek turning him so they were face to face. Brown eyes staring into honey ones. Brendon closed the gap between them slowly and Ryan didnt even pull away. Talking about his work just made him amazingly needy. He closed his eyes as their lips connected almost perfectly. The plumb lips of the brown eyed man felt so good next to his teeth. Ryan began to pull Brendons lip between his teeth biting it gently not being aware what he was actually doing. It was an instinct and it felt so good. The hand that was on Ryan's cheek moved to the back of his head as the kiss got deepened. It was needy and hot from both sides. All of the sudden Brendon pulled away startling Ryan a bit who just now realised what had happened. A smirk appeared on Brendons face. The nice face was gone. A predator look had made its way up to the smaller ones face and oh how well it suited him. Ryan turned away hoping that the thought would leave his mind. He couldn't think that. That was gay. He wasn't. Brendon leaned in further and whispered in Ryan's ear nearly like a purr, " Good job, that's how good boys behave." Then he pulled away and took the cutlery in front of Ryan. "Now time to eat."

Ryan still tried to lie to himself that this now did not just happen and that it didn't feel as good as it did. He couldn't allow himself to grow weak. He didn't concentrate on eating and the fact that he was fed a his mind still tried to push away what just happened.

This just couldn't be true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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