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Ryan couldn't believe what had happened to him. He was the murderous lustful killer. Not this dude who was keeping him hostage now. He couldn't fulfil his needs the past three days and it was almost painful for him. He wanted to kill. He wanted to see agony in his partners eyes when he tortured them. He wanted to see blood. And honestly Ryan couldn't deny that he needed the physical contact he got during the sex before the kill as well. Luckily the pictures that now filled up some of the picture frames kept him from being too horny. There were picture of himself from different angles while he was asleep. Either in the chair from the day he arrived here or on the bed how he was now. He was strapped down by his arms and legs unable to reach anything that could help him escape. His one hand couldn't even reach the other and the same was for his feet. His white clothes had been changed while he was asleep. Ryan wasn't a heavy sleeper so he was pretty sure Brendon drugged him so he'd stay asleep. While he was here Brendon got him food on regular bases and forced him to eat it. To his own surprise the food wasn't bad. Actually it was pretty good. Something you could get in a restaurant. Although that made the situation Ryan was stuck in not much better.

He was growing so damn sick of the white colour around him. It reminded him of hospital and he made a lot of bad memories in that place. Ryan's eyes were forced clothes as he wanted to have a bit of darkness for once. Why couldn't Brendon shut off the light sometime? Well it was probably better light than totally black so he couldn't see where he was. His honey eyes remained closed as he heard the two of shoes against the whiter than white linoleum floor. Something that made the room seem even more like hospital. The smell. The look of it. The way it reflected the light.

Ryan flinched but his eyes remained closed as he felt a hand touch his cheek softly. "You look beautiful, moonlight.", Brendons voice spoke up in awe as his fingers traced the features of Ryan's face. The tingling sensation that followed the smaller man's fingers made Ryan insane. Mainly because he didn't want to have that feeling when he was touched by a man. Because he wasn't gay. He was drugged. That's something else. That doesn't count.

He felt the bed dip next to him and opened his eyes. Brendon sat down next to him, his eyes filled emotion. "I'm such a lucky guy. I found you before someone else did.", he laughed to himself. "You know, Ry. I know what you are doing. Or were better said. I've been watching you for a while. You fascinated me. The first time I saw you I didn't know you were that wicked and mad. When I layed my eyes on you the first time I though I saw an angel. I followed you home and saw what you did to your girl that night. But my mind didn't change. You're still an angel. But you didn't tell from heaven. No. You climbed up from hell.", Brendon explained with a big smile while he was climbing ontop of Ryan his hands on the older man's chest as he sat down crotch on crotch. "You are an angel from hell, and that makes you even hotter.", he said while his hands slid under the white shirt that covered Ryan's body pushing it up. The taller man tried to break away pulling on the roped he was tied down with. "Get off me, weirdo.", he growled and tried to kick Brendon off. But due to his legs being tied down he only accomplished some friction between his and Brendon. With a fast movement Brendon ripped Ryan's shirt apart and his face was only inches away from the other ones. "I told you not to talk me like that, baby.", he said while his hands were moving up Ryan's body and slithered around his neck pressing lightly. "How should you call me?", he purred while pressing down lightly making Ryan gasp out. He bit his lip before answering. "I'm sorry,... Sir.", he said.

Brendons eyes filled with lust as his hips rolled onto Ryan's making the skin tingle. He tried to fight that feeling but that he couldn't satisfy his needs in three days wasn't helping keeping his heterosexual shield up. Brendon's face pulled itself into a victorious smirk. He repeated the motion a few more times. "Oh, you naughty "straight" boy.", he grinned emphasising the word straight. Ryan frowned and looked away from the brown eyes of the man ontop of him. Everything in his be on screamed against this. He wasn't gay. But yet his body screamed the totally opposite. It was probably just because he was strapped down the last three days. And he was drugged. Yes. That was it. There's no other reason.

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