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When Ryan opened his eyes again the first thing he saw was white. It was a bright blinding change to the hours of plain blackness for the last hours. The last memory that barely swirled around his head was following Brendons suggestion and go dance with that girl. After that pure blackness danced in his mind. As much as he tried to remember there was nothing to hold onto.

Ryan's tired eyes slowly followed his orders and looked around the room in a delayed movement to take his surroundings in. White walls. Just white walls. White chairs. A white two person couch with a table in front of it. Now that he looked closer there were white picture frames with absolutely nothing in them. Ryan squinted his eyes together in confusion. Who would have such a room and Why?

The attempt of moving his arms only made plastic noises but he was hold back of bringing his hands to the front from behind his back. The repeated try didn't bring him much further either. Just the plastic noises filling his ears were permanent. His feet didn't want to cooperate either and as he looked down himself he saw that his clothes were different. All white as well. Tight white skinny jeans, tight white shirt neatly tugged into his trousers. Even his shoes were exchanged for white running shoes that touched the plastic covered floor. Everything besides himself was covered in plastic. The chairs, the couch, the walls. What was this place?

Who would decorate a room just in white and cover it in plastic?

Ryan felt sick all of the sudden and let his head hang again to calm down. Something was pounding against his head and rumbling in his stomach. Great, he felt like he was on the edge of emptying his stomach on his white clothes. A cold sweat made his way upon Ryan's skin as panic began to settle in with the sick feeling. Why was he here? Why was he tied down? What happened last night? As he tried to keep everything in he could hear a lock open. His eyes darted into the direction but his neck muscles didn't want to cooperate so his head remained hanging and he could only see black suit shoes entering the room.

The cold tap upon the floor made Ryan panic even more as they came closer and closer. With every step Ryan's breath hitched a bit more and he nearly forgot how nauseous he was feeling. Now that the figure came closer he could make out black leather skinny jeans. Very skinny jeans. Ryan forced his eyes away from the crotch area of the, now he knew, man.  Even though he was in this state he wasn't throwing his rules aside and to stare longer then one second at another man's crotch just was breaking his rules.

The steps stopped right in front of Ryan and he didn't like in which height his head was so he kept it low. He didn't have much of a choice anyways due to his muscles just not wanting to work. After a few seconds the man in front of him cleared his throat in a slight annoyed tune before crouching down to be on Ryan's level. The squeaking noise that the leather pants gave away made Ryan's eyes dart forward and look at the face of the person.

A cold shiver went all over Ryan's skin as he took in the familiar features that appeared in his vision. The chained up man didn't dare to breathe and could practically feel all colour fade from his face as he looked in the face of no other than Brendon, who to his surprise loomed rather worried. "Ry, are you Okay? You don't look good.", he asked in what sounded like true concern.

Ryan was not able to control what was coming out of his throat. "I... I need to vomit." Brendon immediately stood up and got a white trashcan from below the white table and put it between Ryan's legs. And the white dressed man didn't hesitate to use it.

After he felt all emptied out and the taste of stomach acid filled his mouth he finally was able to raise his head to a even more worried looking Brendon. "Are you okay now, moonlight?", he asked raising one hand to Ryan's face who flinched away from it. "Moonlight??", he asked looking at the hand way too close to his face. Brendon send a light chuckle through the whole room. "Yes, you are so dark and mysterious, yet beautiful, so I figured I'd call you moonlight.", he said now forcing his hand onto Ryan's cheek. Yet it was gentle. Ryan cringed at the touch and the explanation. "Dude, I'm sorry to tell you but I don't swing that way.", he said between gritted teeth. Brendon chuckled and his hand moved down to Ryan's shoulder to squeeze it almost painfully. "First of all, don't call me dude eve again, understand?", he said with a deep predatory voice that send shiver through Ryan looking him deep into the eyes. Ryan just raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. "Sorry man, I...", he began fiddling for words but was interrupted by Brendon. "No! ", he yelled and squeezed harder. "You don't get to call me these names.", he breathed out tensed. Ryan opened his mouth but closed it again in fear any other words would be wrong too. "Call me Sir.", he announced then with excitement decorating his strong voice. Ryan made a face of disgust what earned a slap. "I'm sorry Moonlight but we have rules here. Understand now?", he repeated holding Ryan's face in both hands to face him self. "Y... Yes...", Ryan answered trying not to cringe too much at the pain. Brendon raised one eyebrow. Ryan felt humiliated as he repeated himself "Yes, sir..." Brendon smiled widely. "That's better. See, I don't have to hurt you if you play by the rules, sweety." He said in a bittersweet voice that made Ryan want to run away. 

" Oh, and by the way. Yesterday it didn't seem like you don't swing that way, moonlight.", Brendon said with a smirk pushing his face closer to Ryan's who couldn't turn his away. "The sounds you made for me were just,", he began but interrupted himself with a moan, "I need to hear them again. You're mine, Ry. Only mine. I want to feel your skin again. I want to be inside you again.", he whispered as his brown eyes wandered over Ryan's facial features with lust. The he closed the small gap between them and placed a soft kiss on Ryan's lips who couldn't move away. His honey eyes were wide open as Brendons lips graced his own and to his own surprise that felt oddly familiar and he had no idea why he wasn't feeling complete disgust. As Brendon pulled away Ryan remained in the same shocked position.

Brendons hand brushed the side of Ryan's face one last time. "I hope you obey moonlight, I don't like to hurt you but sometimes I have to. Please behave while I'm gone. I will prepare something for you.", he whispered before standing up. "You're sick...", Ryan breathed out and regret it right after as a hand pushed his face to the side forcefully. "When I come back I don't want any of this behaviour anymore! You're mine.", was the last thing that left Brendons lips as he exited the white room leaving Ryan all by himself.

Tears began to form in the older ones eyes like they haven't in years.

A/N: I'm sorry, there were difficulties uploading this chapter! I thought I did but seems like I didn't. I'm very sorry

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