Chapter One

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I woke up with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I grabbed my glasses and looked at my purple alarm clock that lay on my nightstand and, in bold, red numbers, it read 3:35. I grabbed my remote, which lay next to my alarm clock, and turned the television on. I hated sleeping in darkness. I always felt like something was watching me and I always heard things. My mother said it was just my imagination, but I thought otherwise. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to fall asleep. After thirty minutes of tossing and turning, I got this turning feeling in my stomach. I started to feel pain, and it got more and more worse from there. I started crying as my mother came rushing into my room. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing the pajamas I gave her for christmas.

"Honey! What's wrong?! I could hear you crying from the other side of the house!" she screamed, worryingly.

"My stomach feels like it is turning and I feel a ton of pain. It has been happening ever since I woke up thirty minutes ago." I replied, still crying.

She took my hand and ran down the hall to her bedroom. My father woke up, startled.

"Honey, wake up! I think we should take Melanie to the doctor. She is having issues with her stomach." mom yelled in a panic voice.

"Melanie, we are going to go to the doctor. Get your things together, quickly, and meet us by the car."

I rushed back to my room and packed a blanket, pillow, a jacket, and my china doll in my bookbag. I ran outside to the car, where my parents were waiting for me. I jumped into the backseat and put my seat belt on. Once mother closed the door, she rushed to her seat and father drove off. When we got to the hospital, all the parking lot was full. We rode around, trying to look for a free parking space. When my dad found a parking spot, he swerved into it and opened the door.

"Honey, I am going to go see the doctors. You get Melanie." He screamed as he got further and further away from us.

My mother unbuckled me, told me to grab my book bag, and ran towards the hospital. I could still feel the pain and discomfort in my stomach. I tried to run, but when the pain got worse, I started walking again. My mother rushed over to me, picked me up, and ran into the hospital. Right when we got in, my mother took my book bag off and placed me on the hospital bed. They rushed me to an emergency room and did some tests. I was unconscious during this part so I couldn't explain how I felt or how the operating room looked.

I woke up in a hospital room. The walls were a very light yellow. When I looked to my left, I saw my mother, sleeping in the chair. I looked at the bedside to see if I could find my glasses. I felt around the table, but I couldn't find them. I saw my mother walking toward me. She bent down and gave me something. It was my glasses. I put them on and looked around the room. There were a bunch of stuffed animals and balloons around me, each one saying get well soon.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't move my legs. It was like I was paralyzed. I looked at my mother, tears forming in both of our eyes.

"Mother? What happened to my legs?" I asked her, tears running down her face.

"You had stomach problems and the only way they could cure it was if you don't use your legs again."

I grabbed my bookbag from the nightstand and took out my china doll. It looked just like me. I held it in close and started to cry. The tears dropped from my face onto hers. When I looked at the clock across the room, I realized it was three in the morning.

I sat on my bed in my hospital room. About thirty minutes ago, my mother fell back asleep. She was in a really weird position. She was sitting like she normally does, but her head was drooped to the side and her mouth was open, with drool coming out. I waited until it was six to wake her up. The sun slowly started to rise, peaking through the window. I whispered "mother" until my mother woke up. She wiped the drool off of her face and clothes and headed toward me.

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