Chapter Three

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The girl smiled, snapping her fingers, and she disappeared. The car got closer and closer as I was pushed out of the way by Carl. I fell to the sidewalk, slowly losing my vision and shutting my eyes.

Next thing I knew I was in the hospital. I grabbed my glasses from the side table and put them on my face. In the corner I saw a wheelchair. I tried to get up and walk, but I couldn't move my legs. My mother came in and was happy I was awake.

"Mother? What happened? Why can't I move my legs?"

"You almost got hit by a car, but got pushed out of the way and ended up hurting your legs. When the doctors did operations on you, they realized you were paralyzed from the waist down."

"Where is Carl?"

"In the operating room. Doctors are trying to fix him."

I started to begin to wonder. I had something like this happen before. I remember the dream I had where the same exact thing happen, but didn't have the same reason for it happening. I looked at my mother.

"Darling? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Can I visit Carl when he gets out of the operating room?"


I waited in my bed for three hours, waiting for Carl to come out of the operating room. My mother came in with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Carl. He.....died."

Tears began to fill my eyes. I shook my head. I could feel something in my eyes. I blinked multiple times until I couldn't feel it anymore. When I looked into the mirror, my eyes were red. I felt things coming out of my back. I looked back in the mirror and saw I had wings. I looked over to my mother, who had her mouth open and her eyes were wide. I started moving my wings and started to fly. I flew all the way to Carl's room. I remember his room from the dream I had. When I looked in, I saw him laying there next to his parents. His parents were crying. I waited for his parents to leave before I went in.

I sat in the chair next to his bed. I put my hand on his.

"I am sorry, Carl. I shouldn't have jumped out of the window and walked across the street. You are the one that got punished for my mistakes. I should have stayed in your room." I continued to put my hand on his heart. All of a sudden, a green light came out of my hand and went into his chest. His eyes slowly opened. I looked behind me to find a group of doctors staring at me. They burst through the door into the room and grabbed my arms.

"What are you doing?! Let me go?!"

"Take her to the lab." A doctor said as I was carried by a group of doctors.

I looked at Carl one last time before the doctors took me to wherever they were planning to take me. The last thing I saw was Carl, slowly getting up. He looked at me as I was carried away from the window.

When we got to the lab, they put me in a green container. I watched them as I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was Carl. He was peeking through the window that was part of the door. I looked back over to the doctors, who were standing with clipboards near the x-ray machine. They pressed a button and I could feel a shiver down my body. It started to get really cold. I tried to use my body heat to heat me up, but it wasn't working. My body started to freeze. I put my hand on the glass and looked toward Carl.

Carl's Point of View

I saw her, in a green tube through the window in the door. I looked to my right and saw the doctors messing with buttons and all the technology. When they pressed a button, I looked back over at Melanie. She put her hand up against the glass and didn't move after that. I kicked the door open with my foot and rushed in. The doctors looked at me in confusion. They were wondering how I was still alive.

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