Chapter Four

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"Carl? What are you doing?" He turned around and looked at me with an angry look on his face.

"I am trying to get out of here."

"Where are we?"

"Don't you know? You came with me and that guy on the way here."

"I don't remember anything."

"Well, a guy shot you with a tranquilizer dart. I must have fell asleep or something because when I woke up, all I saw was you lying on the floor. A guy came in and I pretended to be asleep. He picked me and you up, but all I saw was you lying over his shoulder."

I heard footsteps, but didn't know where it was coming from. I told him to be quiet as a person opened the door. It was Cypress.

"Cypress! What are you doing here?"

"I live here. What are you guys doing in my experimenting cage?"

"How should I know? I woke up here."

"Here, let me get you out of the cage." He walked over and inserted a key into the lock. The door opened and Carl and I stepped out.

"Thank you. Can you explain why we are here? And why your room has no color in it?"

"This is my experimenting room. Color plays an effect in my experiments so I painted my walls a shade, instead of a color. Everything else was originally like this. So, you don't remember anything about why you are in here?"

"No, nothing. Trust me, I wish I did."

"Do you remember anything that has happened in the past couple of days? Like meeting me?"

"Of course, but a couple hours after that, I couldn't remember anything."

"Anyway, do you want to go to the clovers? I have a surprise for you."

"Okay. Is it okay if Carl comes with us?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Alright! Come on Carl!"

I flew out of the door of the experimenting room and headed to the front door. When I opened it, the outside was beautiful. There were flowers everywhere. To my right was a waterfall, and to my left there was a campground. I went to the waterfall and sat on one of the rocks. Cypress and Carl came walking toward me.

"Do you like my waterfall?" Cypress asked.

"Yes, I love it!"

"Do you want to swim in it?"

"Sure, if I had a bathing suit." Suddenly, I was wearing a green bikini and my hair was up in a ponytail. I looked up at the guys who were staring at me, their eyes wide open.

"Wow." Carl said as he looked at me.

"I guess I can go swimming now." I flew over to the top of the waterfall and jumped in. When I jumped, I could feel the refreshing water against my face. I used my arms to swim deeper and deeper. When I could feel the bottom, I pushed myself back up. When I got to the surface, Carl and Cypress were standing on the rocks.

"This is amazing!" I screamed.

"Mel? I think we should start heading back to my house."


"Something just doesn't feel right to me."

"Come on, just jump in one time and then we can go back to your house."

"Why do I have to---. Ugghhh, fine."

Just as he was about to jump it, there was a huge gust of wind. It was so strong, it blew me up against the rocks. Another person came down out of the clouds. All he was wearing was grey.

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