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Dowoon would observe. He wasn't much for human interaction, but when approached he would be polite towards whoever it was. He rarely went up to anyone to start a conversation. The only times he had, dealt with class work or directions. He was fine on his own, but things change.

The day he was told he was moving, was the moment things changed. A new school. A new town. A new, well everything. If he was honest, he was afraid of change. Showing up the first day at his new school, his nerves were shot. He couldn't stop wondering about all the 'what if's' there were.

What if he wasn't liked?

What if they considered him strange for how he was?

What if everything was different?

What if everything was the same as Home?

What if he messed up introducing himself?

What if things didn't change?

What if things changed too much?

He didn't know what to expect.

He was worried, paranoid even. He didn't want friends but he didn't want to be an outcast. He didn't want to be known, but he didn't want to be unknown. He liked being alone but he didn't want to feel alone. He didn't like change yet he craved for change. He contradicted himself constantly. Dowoon just wanted something, something of what? That he wasn't even sure himself.

The moment his eyes landed on the boy in the back of library, was the moment he knew what his something was. He wanted to know the boy. His heart beat pounding in his chest, at the thought of trying to approach someone for something other than notes. He wasn't sure if he would follow through with getting to know the boy, but it wouldn't hurt to have a friend, at least that's what he figured.

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