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My pen flew .......on the page .......threatening to tear ......any piece of paper....... in the way........tears blurred......my vision......as I tried to write down......to blot away the world......with my pen......I almost succeed ........ until the pen.....falls out of my grasp.....skitting across the page of my life ......to the endless chasm .......I bend down to retrieve it......but hands pull me..... down into the never ending despair...... I cling on to the only thing I could grab......my pen......my power......I feel myself falling......I close my eyes.....and draw out my sword.......my freedom.....my thinking....and suddenly.....I feel myself rising......I shoot to the sky ......and I'm back to the place where it begun......I look down........ at the piece of paper........ it is smeared ........with the....... elixir of my life.....I crumple it .......and throw it away......as I turn back......it's all gone from my mind

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