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Sometimes I think that this is what my life is all about.......
My whole life revolves around the word......... no........ it swirls around my head........... binding me in it's chains........... so dark heavy........ so hard........ they cut into my skin.............. until........ my skin tears............ and blood gushes out .............the blood trails down my arm ...... like a stream .......and makes a pool on the ground.......  which somehow fells like it's forming the word....... no....... It's a part of my nightmares.......... the ones....... in which there is darkness........... and the word........ no....... the shout...... the whisper .............the echo......... always...... no..... . No....... I scream.......... and then there's darkness...........i wakeup .........and go downstairs.........I see people....... and all there mouths seem to be still ......and their lips all forming the word..... no....... I run frantically away...... and somehow I'm in a library ......I pick up a book...... with my picture .......and the inscription My life on it....... I open it and see everywhere......... printed in black........ sharply contrasting the white background ..........the word.... no..... the book falls from my hand .........and I crumple to the ground......... I bury my head between my legs...... and cover them with my arms....I close my eyes .........and it's as if the letter no is printed on the back of my eyelids...... it's going to engulfs me....... these two letters ..........somehow seem bigger .......and stronger then me ..........I must do something......

(To be continued)

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