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I sit on the stone .......and gaze out on the horizon..........
I see....... the sun going down ............its beautiful ........all the colours ........merging into others....... as if it doesn't matter......... that they're so different........  I smile my hair fall into my eyes ........and I gently push them aside.........I am not exactly happy....... but..... content..... everything seems fine..... in order...... the thing my life........ misses the most .........order....... routine.... these words....... somehow feel foreign ......and unnatural ........on my tongue......... the possibility .......of everyday.... being the same.... somehow ......seems alien to me....... welll at least nothing bad happened...... today..... i smile again..... which seems like a record ........ twice in one day..... and glance toward the horizon...... and am fixated with horror........ "oh no"..........I whisper silently myself....... as I see the light .......being enveloped by .......darkness slowly murmurs sweet whisperings........ to the light...... while it engulfs it slowly that it doesn't feel it......... tenderly reaching out .........and folding it into it's arms.......... the light....... it's so innocent........ it doesn't understand ..........but I do .......I see it I understand .........I too was naive once ......but that time is long past....... I silently scream suddenly..... it lashes out ......and tears apart....... the final strands of light .........and  everywhere's darkness ......i bring my knees to my chest ......and fold my arms around myself....... as tears run down my cheeks .......I hear it....... the coaxing ........gently whisperings......... getting closer.. I can feel it my bones .......darkness is coming.......

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