🐶 : B

394 32 4

B : Busy

It's the end of the month and the teachers were all working up their wrath due to the students' bad results. It's time for us to receive our monthly test result.

"Holy cow! How could you score 98% on Additional Maths?"

He tried his best to hide his paper under his table but I saw it. 32% and it made me smirk under my hoodie.

"Do you mind to be my tutor? For this subject only?"

I didn't pay him a glance and I penned down my answer on his already opened note book.


And he sighed in frustration. Yet a small winning smile came afterwards and it hit me again. I just foolishly responded to him..again.

"What are you busy for? Part time jobs?"

Oh..stop asking boy. You wouldn't want to know about it. Trust me.

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