Chapter 07

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'Gr-ry!' said Chelsea and startled Gary by hugging him tight from behind when he was peering at the park from the alley.

He swallowed his heart back down his throat. 'Shh..' he said. 'I think that same guy is here again.' Chelsea peeked over his shoulder and he had to will himself to ignore the nice soft pressure against his back and pointed at the front of a car just visible in a side street. 'I think that's the same car as yesterday, just around the corner at the other side.' He clenched his jaw when Chelsea pressed harder against his back as she looked at the car.

With a mix of mostly relief but still a little regret when she pulled back he turned to her. 'We'd better not go into the park tonight.' he said.

Chelsea flattened her ears as she nodded and Larry joined her in sadness by flattening his ears.

'We can see if that other green spot is free and hope whoever that guy is will give u-' he said and stopped when he saw two young men step into the back of the alley. 'Ah crap.'

One of the men pointed at them, said something and they hurried towards them. Chelsea started to growl but Gary took her shoulder.

'Let's try to avoid scaring people.' he said and took her hand. 'We'll run for now because we're faster anyway.'

Chelsea nodded. 'Kay.' she said and followed Gary who moved quickly around the corner of the alley and headed along the street with Larry on their heels. They had only run halfway to the corner when a couple of other guys showed up there an spotted them.

'What's this?' said Gary as he stopped running and looked around for another escape route. 'Sleep trouble convention night for everyone?'

He ran with Chelsea and Larry across the street and into the park hoping to avoid any more people. But they had barely reached the other side when they came upon three young women who squealed at their sight. But instead of running away like Gary somewhat hoped they would, they hurried up to them too.

'Okay, this is getting ridiculous.' Gary said while Chelsea looked from him to the girls and back. 'This way.'

The way to another alley looked clear until they almost bumped into a young couple making out.

'It's really true!' said the cheerful girl. Gary thought if she was a dog she'd be wagging her tail like crazy.

'Cool!' said the guy. 'And she looks hot!'

Gary looked back at Chelsea and quickly stepped in front of her. 'Hey! Don't ogle her!' he said and moved back with her. A quick look left and right told him others were moving in their direction and he pulled Chelsea along to what he thought was a small alley.

Running into it he discovered it was a dead end to the back of the shops left and right and cursed. He heard voices behind him and pulled Chelsea behind him to protect her.

'Fight?' asked Chelsea. 'Growl?'

Larry growled softly at the people gathering at the exit.

'No.' sighed Gary. 'We can't start hurting anyone. And there are too many to get away clean.' He groaned. 'It's over. We're going to be dissected and studied.'

Larry gave a whine as he looked up at Gary.

'And you'll probably end up in the pound too.' Gary said to Larry. 'I'm sorry, boy.'

'They're real!' someone said.

'Way cool!' another said while several of the people started taking pictures.

'How do they get the legs to look so real?'

'And the tails move freely.'

'Hey, how did you make those costumes?' a girl asked.

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