Chapter 08

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'Gary?' said Dolores as she walked up to his desk.

He looked up from his monitors. 'Yes?'

'A lady is here to see you.'

'What lady?' he asked, wondering if he had forgotten an appointment with a client.

'What lady, he asks.' Dolores said. 'You womanizer.'

His eyes grew big. 'Wha!? What did I do!?'

Dolores chuckled and moved aside so he could see Maddy standing at the front. 'And I thought so highly of you.' she sighed and moved back to her desk before he could say anything.

'Hi.' said Maddy when she came up to his desk.

Gary leaned back in his chair. 'Hey there, Maddy.' he said and gestured at a chair next to his desk. 'So, what made you come here?'

Maddy sat down and chuckled. 'I wanted to do something back for saving Mindy.' she said. 'So I've been searching about your, issue.'

Gary smiled. 'Thank you.' he said. 'And, did you find something?'

She shook her head. 'Just the usual being bitten by an animal in the night.'

He nodded. 'It wasn't at night, but I did get bitten by a sheep at the petting zoo.' he said. 'It's no longer there though and no one could tell me where it had gone. Or was even sure it had been there.'

'Ah.' she said and pondered. 'There seems to be no cure.'

'I've been getting more conscious of it though, so maybe I can control it one day.' he said. 'Even Chelsea is more aware that there's another life she leads.'

'You have no idea who she is?'

Gary tapped his pen on his notepad. 'No.' he said. 'I tried to stay awake until she usually leaves in the morning, but both Larry and I fell asleep.'

Maddy pondered more. 'Then the only thing that could identify her is something she'd have.'

Gary nodded. 'True. But she doesn't have anything like an earring or something.'

'Then you should give something!' Maddy said. 'Even if she doesn't remember during the day, she might still wear it if it's something good.'

'Oh! You're right!' said Gary. 'I could do that.'

'Just don't give the same gift as you give to miss Miller.'

'Suzy?' Gary asked. 'What do you mean?'

'Her birthday gift.' Maddy said. 'I heard you were going to see her tonight.'

Gary blinked. 'It's her birthday today?'

'You didn't know?'

Gary leaned forward. 'No! She just invited me for dinner tonight!'

Maddy crossed her arms and shook her head. 'Men.' she said. 'So ignorant.'

Gary chuckled. 'You're too young to have that attitude.'

'My mother taught me a lot about my father.' she said.

Gary chuckled. 'Well, thank you for telling me.' he said. 'I'll make sure to find a good gift.'

Maddy grinned. 'Okay.' she said and stood up. 'I'll be going now. Maybe see you later tonight?'

'Don't stay up late, young lady.' he said. 'I don't want you getting into trouble.'

She grinned. 'My mother warned my about men like you.'

'What? Men like me?' he said raising an eyebrow.

'Men who are charming to all women.' she said. 'human or werewolf.'

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