The feast .:Levi:.

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"(Y/n)." Miss Kallie was calling for you, she was one of the rich people and you were working as a maid for her to make money for your little sister and grandpa who lived in Trost. You used to live with them as well after your father went missing when he was out on a mission with the Scout Legion and your mother left you behind for no reason. You sat down what you had in your hands and walked over to her. "Yes ma'am?" You said folding your hands in front of you. "To night I want you to take a good care of the leaders from the Scout Legion." She said with a kind voice, that's what you like the most by her. Of all people in Shiganshina, she was the most kind and understanding person. "Yes ma'am, but why me?" You asked. "Because your the one who doesn't spill, and the Corporal is a bit of a clean freak. I don't even dare to think of what could happen if anyone spills on or near him." She said. "Oh I see, I'll do my best." You smiled at her. "Good, now dear go back to the work we have to be ready for the dinner party, it'll begin soon." She claps her hands and you returned to polish the glasses. I'll bet something bad are happen tonight. You felt yourself getting nervous by the feeling.

After an hour and the dinner pary was about to begin. You fixed your clothe, grab the welcome drinks and went into the banquet hall. There was a lot of people, you spot the Scout Legion. You took a deep breath and went over to them with a smile. "Good evening here's your welcome drinks, I'll be your maid for tonight." You said and hold the serving dish up. "Thank you." They all said three of them smiled and the forth didn't even pull a muscle in his face. You kept smiling and turned around to go. People began to notice the Erwin, Levi, Hanji and Mike was there and started to surround them. Poor souls getting attacked like that. You did feel sorry for them, almost knowing how it is not being able to have a break from their work at anytime.

A bell rang letting the guests know the dinner would be served soon. You and the other maids and butlers went out to the kitchen to get the food. "I can't believe they here, the best from Scout Legion is here. I would like to serve them, but why did she put 'her' on that job. She's not that good." "I know right, I mean we could do so much better than 'her' plus they wouldn't have such an ugly thing to look at" Two of the maids said really loud and giggled. One of the butlers who named Anges puts his hand on your shoulder giving you a sympathetic look, you returned with a smile letting him know you didn't care, all thought it did hurt you. You went back to the guests with their food, making sure you didn't do anything wrong and serves them.

You did a really great job the entire evening, only making a few small mistakes that you found a way to cover up. You was standing in the back ready to fill their glasses or getting anything for them. "Anything new about Alyan?" Erwin asked, you react by the name of your father. "Erwin it has been three years now, do you really think his alive?" Levi asked. "I don't know I just have this feeling he's still alive." "That reminds me, someone was found and I think it's him." Hanji said. "Why haven't you told us before shitty glass" Levi hissed. "W-well ummm it just slipped out." She said nervous. "I-is he alive?" Erwin asked. "Yea but he didn't look to good." Mike said. "You knew too, since when?" Levi asked still pissed since they haven't told him or Erwin anything about it. You couldn't help but smile, your father who went missing is alive. "I knew it right before we came here." Mike said. "Since this morning when some was talking about it." Hanji said. You saw Erwin's glass was empty and went to fill it, you smiled like an idiot but you couldn't stop yourself. "You sure lookes happy." He comment. "Umm yes sir, I'm just having a good evening." You smile, he smiled back at you.

You took the empty plates and got ready to serve the dessert. "(Y/n) what are you so happy about?" One of the maids from earlier asked in a very snobby way. "I'm just having a good evening." You said and got out not having a clue of what is about to happen. You was about to give Levi his plate when a foot showed up and made you loose your balance and spill the cake over Levi, who push himself away from the table. Everyone went silent and was looking at you. Oh dang it. "I'm so sorry!" You instantly said. You grabs a near by napkin and began to remove wishing you wasn't here at the moment. You began to shake still removing the glaze and you teared up. A giggle came from behind you, it turned into a laughter and soon everyone was laughing. Everyone but Anges , Miss Kallie, Erwin, Levi, Hanji and Mike. "I-I'm so sorry..." You whispered, you knew who did it. You was about to take a new napkin and continue when a hand landed upon yours. "It wasn't your fault." A voice said, you looked up shaking, your eyes meet with Levi's. You looked down again. "What did you just do!" He yelled, you flick thinking it was you he yelled at.

Everyone got silents again. Miss Kallie rushed over to you. "(Y/n) are you okay?" She asked kneeling down beside you, you instantly began to hug her and sobbing. "Silima you and I are going to have a word about this she said." She said in a tone you've never heard before. She got up pulling you with her. "Anges you take care of this." She said and walked you out to the hallway. "Are you sure you're alright?" She asked once more, you just simply nodded. "Okay, you're off the rest of the night." She smiled at you and brushed some of your hair out of your face. "Thanks ma'am." You said low, but loud enough for her to hear it. She smiled at you and went back inside.

You walked over to a window and opened it to get some fresh air. You looked at the sky wiping the tears off your cheeks sniffling a bit. You could hear footsteps behind you, you didn't even bother to turn around. "Anges I'm fine really, just go back inside and do your job." You said thinking it was him. "So what if I'm not Anges?" You turned around to see Levi coming your way, with spots on his clothes after the accident. "Oh umm.." Was all you could say looking down. "Here you dropped this." He said handing you, your necklace with your father's name on it. "T-thanks." You said taking it. "So.... You know Alyan?" "Y-yes he's m-my father." You stutter. "Hmm I see." He was standing in front of you, he was a bit smaller than you, but that was only because of your shoes. You was looking down not wanting to look him in the eyes after what had happen. A pair of arms landing on each side of your head. "Look at me." He said, you did as he told you. The moment you looked up you could feel something on your lips, shocked by the sudden kiss your entire body froze. He pulled away. "You don't know how long I wanted to do that" He said staring into your eyes. How long have I know him? 

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