The Secret Admire .:Bertholdt:.

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I was on my way to the girls room after we had a hard training session and all I wanted was a bath, a nice long and warm bath. But I knew there would be many in there, so I wanted to grab some of my stuff that I needed first. When I went over to my spot I notice something on my pillow, it looked like.... a note? Who could have put it there? I picked it up to read it, judging by the handwriting I could tell it was a male, the handwriting is a little messy, whoever wrote this tried his best to make it look nice.

'Dear (Y/n)

Every time I look at you, I can't help but smile.
I can't describe how much you mean to me.
I just love the way you are.
The way you smile.
The way you laugh.
The way you are you.

Much love your secret admire.'

A small smile crept over my mouth after reading it. I put it away so no one else would find it, and I walked out again still with a smile on my lips. Who could it be and why didn't they just tell me? With that thought in the back of my head, I decided to head for the baths. I took a long hot shower and I immediately feeling relaxed and refreshed. After the shower and I got into my clothes, we all went to the dining hall. As usual we all talked, joked and made fun of one another. When we were done eating and cleaning up, me and some of the other girls went back to our room. As soon we entered the room Christa froze in the door, blocking it for everyone else. "Umm... Christa? Are you okay?" I asked slightly concerned for my friend. "(y/n)! someone left a flower for you" Christa squeaked. I looked puzzled at her. "What...?" I looked past her over to my bed, and there.... A single rose, on my pillow. It wasn't there before, and I'm pretty sure everyone was in the dining hall. I walked over and picked it up. But who could have left it, I pretty sure I didn't see anyone leave while we ate. There was a little note on it that said ''For my darling (y/n)". I began to smile again, as I felt a warm feeling rising up inside of me. "So who do you think it could be?" Sasha asked me, with her hands on my upper arms, and her head resting on my shoulder, looking at the flower in my hand. "I don't know, but I wanna find out somehow." "Uh we can help you find out!" She yelled. I looked at her. "No thanks I'll do this on my own." I put the rose on the small table beside my bed, before I lay down on my bed ready to fall asleep.

The next morning while we are eating breakfast, we kept talking about who it could be, and we or should I say THEY are looking around the dining hall. "Girls, can you please stop looking around like that. It just looks weird and people are starring back at you." I said a bit embarrassed by the obvious searching for someone. "Hmm could it be Connie?" Christa asked, I nearly choked in my food. N-no it couldn't be, I mean yes we are close, but not like that, not at all. "No he's handwriting doesn't look like that, even if he tried his best." I told her. "Hmm good point." She said. "Jean?" Sasha asked. "Maybe, but doesn't he like Mikasa?" Ymir asked. "Yea, but he could like (y/n) too." I sigh and got up from my seat. "I don't know with you guys, but I wanna go get ready for our sparring session today." I cleaned up after myself before heading back outside. As soon I came out I took a deep breath, hoping everything would settle soon. Those girls are even more obsessed by this then I am, I just hope I find out before them.

I soon found myself standing before Reiner, I let out a low sigh. Why did I have to spare with one of the big guys? "Don't worry (Y/N) I won't go hard on you." Reiner said while smiling at me. "Geez thanks Reiner, but I still pretty sure our definitions of 'not going hard' are different." I said making sure I didn't believe him, and I was sure I would get hurt at some point. After a while and a few bruises, things went better than I thought it would, well that's until a minor distraction got in the way and Reiner realized that when it was too late, sending me hard to the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Reiner kept saying as he made me sit up, I put a hand to my head. "It's okay.." I mumbled. "It was my own fault for losing focus, but I'm ready to start again." I got up from the ground with some help from Reiner, as soon I stood up again my head began to spin, and I almost fell to the ground. "I don't think you are, you should get some rest, let me help you back." Reiner brought me back to my bed, he looked at the flower beside my bed and smiled like an idiot. "Well, well, well. Someone has a sweetheart I see." He mocked. "Oh shut up and leave already" I said with a small smile. Without another word he left the room, leaving me alone. I took a short glance at the flower, before I rolled over closing my eyes.

About an hour later I woke up, and the first thing I did was to look at the flower, shocked to see another note. Wait he was in here, while I slept and I didn't even hear it? I sat up in the bed, grabbing the note to read it.

My beautiful (Y/N)

I sorry I didn't run to you when it happened.
I really hope you are okay.
It looked like it hurt a lot when Reiner hit you.
What did even happened?
But please be careful next time, okay?
I can't take it seeing you getting hurt like that, especially by my friend.
I will check up on you later, most likely when we're going to eat dinner.

Xoxo your admire.

Ps. your sleeping face are adorable, I would love to wake up to it every morning.

I began to blush by the last remark, how long was he looking at me anyway? The more I thought about it the, I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter. Damn you for doing this to m-. "Wait a second" I said to myself and reread the note. "So Reiner is your friend?" I mumbled to myself, I couldn't help but smile to myself having a quite good idea of who it might be.

-time skip to dinner-

We all sat together, Reiner, Sasha, Connie, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Eren, Christa, Ymir, me, and least Bertholdt. I couldn't help but look at Bertholdt now and then, and he would often do the same, and when I caught him doing so he would blush and so would I. Reiner would be the one to see what was going on and smiles widely at me and I glanced at him with a don't-you-dare kinda look. "What's with the smile Reiner?" Eren ask with a suspicious look, before he looked at me. "Oh nothing, can't I annoy my friends?" Reiner replied. "No you can't, not after what you did earlier." I said as I was finishing my food. "Anyway, I wanna get some air before I go to bed. By the way Reiner I expect yo to clean up after me as an apology. " Before he could protest I was out of the door, hoping Bertholdt soon would come out too and on his own so I can talk to him.

Leaning against the wall while I was waiting, I closed my eyes as I could hear the door open. "U-umm (Y/N)?" A very well known voice said. "Yes?" I look towards the source of the voice, to see a nervous Bertholdt. "How are your head doing?" He asked with clear concern in his voice. "Better, thanks for asking. Um can... Can I ask you something?" I looked down fumbling with my fingers. "S-sure" He was standing right beside me. "Are... are you... Have you been, umm, leaving notes for me?" Silent. I could hear him move and was now standing in front of me. He grabbed my hands, causing me to look up. "Y-yes I have. I'm in love with you (Y/N), and I have for a long time." I could feel his hands get sweaty, but I didn't mind it. A warm feeling spread inside of me, and I gave his hands a light squeeze. "But... Why didn't you just say so?" "I... Didn't have the courage." He said sounding a bit ashamed of himself. "But you just did, without a stutter." I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around him, and bury my face into his chest. "Anyway, I love you too." I said loud enough for him to hear. I looks up at him to see a surprised man who smiled down at me. "Really?" I nodded.

He cupped my face with his hand before he slowly lean in and I did the same. Our lips meet in a slow, sweet and loving kiss, it felt like the world around us didn't exist, well that was until.. "Way to go Bertholdt, I knew you would get the girl!" Reiner yelled so loud that everyone properbly heard it, causing Bertholdt and I to pull apart with burning faces. "Leave them alone" Sasha and Connie said in unison pushing Reiner to give us some privacy, Sasha gave me a thumps up right before they vanished around the corner. Bertholdt let out a loud sigh, before holding me close in a tight hug. "I wish he would stop doing that." He complained, causing me to laugh. "I'm sure we just have to get use to it." I said before hugging him back.

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