The feast Part II .:Levi:.

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It has been a month since the feast took place, I was tiding up the rooms this morning, but my thoughts was a different place as I recall the what happened that evening.

-Flash back-

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." I looked at him with a surprised especially after what he said, I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off before I could even say anything. "I was sure it was you when I first saw you tonight." I didn't know what to say or what to do, what could he possibly mean by this? I mean, I'm just a girl who fought her way out of the underground along with my family, and we got out when I was still young since my grandpa has been saving money for as long as I could remember, and brought a small farmhouse a long time ago. "You really don't remember me, do you?" Levi asked me, I shook my head looking away from him. He sighed and let go of my face, seems somewhat disappointed. When he turned around to leave, I grabbed his hand. "B-but I... I'd like to know, please." I said tightening my grip of his hand, I was looking at him again. "Let us just say that we used to be close. Well if you'll excuse me, I better go back now before they get the wrong idea of me being away for so long." I just nodded and let go of his hand and he left again closing the door after him.

-End of flashback-

I was pulled out of my when someone cleans their throat behind me, I jumped a little and turned around. "Anges you scared me." I put a hand over my beating heart. "Oh, I'm sorry (Y/N)." He said looking away. "What's wrong?" I ask getting a bit nervous, I've known Anges for some time now and this is not what he's like, unless there's something terribly wrong. "Um, Levi and Erwin are here to get you to your father, I'll finish up in here." He said ignoring my question, and now I wasn't only nervous but also frighten. I hurried out of the house to meet Erwin and Levi, Erwin had an apologetic look in his eye as he approached me. "I'm sorry (Y/N), but we did all we could, and your father wishes to see you." I gasp. "W-wha... I... I don't understand?" I looked over at Levi who refuses to look at me. "Let us just go." Was all Erwin said before he pushes me towards a carriage.

Soon I found myself in tears beside my father's bed in the hospital, he no longer looked like himself and it was a wonder that he was still alive even a month after his return. His arm was broken, the had to amputee his right leg due to damage, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Dad?" My voice broke, he looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "(Y/N)..." His voice were not as powerful as it used to and just above a whisper. "Look at you, you've really grown into a beautiful flower." He let go of my hand and reaches for my cheek, he could barely reach so I grabbed his hand and placed it there for him. "T-thank you." Tears was falling from my cheeks. "Levi will be lucky to have you for his wife." I was taking back from what he said, and I could hear someone shift behind me where I know Levi was standing. Father laughed a little at our reactions. "Hehe, the two of you would always be by each other's sides as kids, at first I thought you just saw him as your brother *cough*, but I learn that he had grown feelings for you, he even said he'd make you his wife." He told me as his voice grew weaker. "Don't worry I'd made him promise to take care of you." He smiled. "Thank you, dad. Thank you so much, I wish you could be there at our wedding and walk me down the aisle at our wedding, please dad." I said weeping. "I... Will my dearest daughter..., even if you can't see me..., I'll still be there with you... Just remember to smile..., and tell your sister... and grandpa that... I'll keep an eye on them too... I love you..." He slowly closed his eyes and his arm slowly slipped from my hands and cheek. "Dad...? Dad!" I began to cry. "Please don't leave me." I began to shake him. Levi grabbed my shoulders, pulling me a few steps away from him, I began to hug him and cry onto his shoulders, he rubs my back. "It's okay, just let it all out, I'm here."

-Time skip to something happy-

It has now been a little more than two years ago my father passed away, I still miss him every day and I still haven't missed one day where I don't think about him. I look outside the stained glass window, when I heard someone say. "I do." I looked ahead to see the love of my life smiling at me. "And do you (Y/N) (L/N) take Levi Ackerman to your husband?" The priest asks, tears begin to form in the corner of my eyes. "I do." I said. "You may now kiss the bride." And with those words we shared a kiss, we both smiles into the kiss. My father may not have been the one who had my hand as I walked down the aisle, but I could feel he was there walking beside me and grandpa, and now watching the happiest moment in my life.

Later that night after the party, and we got to our room. I was standing in front of the mirror admiring the wedding dress, that Miss Kallie got me, one last time before I take it off. Levi snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder and looked at my reflection. "Your father was right back then about your beauty, and it only gets better year after year." He smiled and kissed my shoulder. "I just wish I was the one to tell you all those things before your father did, especially that part of making you my wife." I laughed a little, it has been something that has bothered him the past two years. I turned in his arms at wrapped mine around his neck. "Just let it go, I'm all yours now, aren't I?" I smiled at him and gave him a shot kiss. "Yes. Yes you are, now let me help you out of that dress he said seductively and undid the zipper, as he kissed me with hunger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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