Just a dream .:Marco Bott:.

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Just a dream.

The song I base it on:

I clearly remember the day I first meet Marco and our time together. I was sitting outside with my medallion and I kept open and close it while I whispered "Just because you have lived long, it doesn't mean you have long to live" over and over again. Since that what my best friend and brother told me when I was with him in his last hour. My voice began to shake so did my entire body, and my eyes began to watering. I closed my eyes and let out a sob. A hand landed on my shoulder and I looked up to see a kind face with a worried expression on it. "Something wrong?" He asked. I just nodded not wanting to lie. "Tell me about it, by the way I'm Marco Bott." He said giving me a small smile. "I-I'm (Y-y/n) a-and I'm j-just- re-reminds my b-brothers l-ast words." I told him between my sobs. Marco sat down beside me and tried to comfort me. That was the beginning of me and Marco.

Our friendship only got stronger from that day on. One day when we was eating lunch I sat with Marco, Jean, Connie and Sasha, at the time Marco and I was really close but not together as a relationship, but many thought we was because of the way we act around each other and because I often had my head in his lap or on his shoulder while I was hugging his arm. While we was eating I sat between Marco and Connie, Jean sat cross me and Sasha beside him. "Hey you two, how long have you actually been a couple?" Jean all of sudden asked us, I could feel how my face turned red and I dropped my spoon. "Yeah, why haven't you told me (y/n)?" Sasha asked. "I thought we were best friends." She dramatically added and pretended she was hurt. "O-oh n-n-no no we're just good friends." Marco defended both of us. I just nodded in agreement, even thought I did love him more. "Are you sure you're not hiding anything for us?" Connie asked not believing in us. "Y-yes we are, w-we're just really close." I spoke still all red. "Well that's kinda sad, I mean you two would make a cute couple and you acting like it too." Jean then said and continued his lunch. I looked at Marco who had a light shade of pink across his freckles face. Sasha and Connie nodded in agreement. "You should give it a try." Sasha said as she looked at my plate as I pushed it over to her. A big smile appeared on her face. It was the best day of my life where our friends as pushing us from a friendship to a relationship.

Marco and I loved to sit under the branches. I would often sit between his legs with my head resting on his chest or shoulder, and he would sit with his back against the tree and his head either on top mine or next to my head and resting his chin on my shoulder. We often stayed like that talking about everything and nothing, sometimes we brought a book with us filled with poems and he would read the out loud for me. He always started with my favorite one.

"When ever you feel lost.
I'll be there, to help you find yourself again.

When ever you feel sad.
I'll be there, to give you a hug.

When ever you're scared.
I'll be there, to protect you.

When ever you're angry.
I'll be there, to calm you down.

When ever you cry over me.
I'll be there, to tell you not to cry cause I'm still here.

I''m your guardian angel.
I told you I won't leave without you.
I might be dead, but I'm still here.

Even if you can't see me.
Even if you can feel me.
I'll be watching you."

I smiled while he reads it and I hugged his arm. "Marco?" I asked once he was done. "What is it (y/n)?" He asked softly. "Will you promise me to be safe and come back to me when ever we got a mission?" I asked. "I don't want to lose another who I love, it hurt to much." I wiped my eyes from watering. "I will (y/n), but only if you promise the same thing." He said kissing the top of my head. "I will." I said turning around so I would face him, I still had tears in my eyes. I learned in to give him a short sweet kiss, witch he returned. I hugged him and he ran his hand through my hair and the other he used to brush away my tears.

A few days has passed by since the hole has been blocked and I haven't seen Marco anywhere. I began to get worried and I kept asking Jean if he has seen him, almost when ever I saw him I too asked the others. i began to lose hope for him to be alive. We was out to clean the town for bodies before they would start an infection. I asked a few if they have seen Marco and it hurt them to hear the same old question from me, some even told me to be prepared for the worst and I knew what the mean. I saw Jean and he looked really shocked as he was looking at a body. I begged to let it be someone else, I ran over to him. "Jean!" He looked at me as I came running down the street. I could tell it wasn't good at all. "I-I'm sorry (y/n)" Was the only thing he said and I froze. It couldn't be, but it was true. Marco left us, and know one knew what had happened to him. No one saw it.

I sat at the edge of the wall, looking over the city as I was thinking back on what had happened and how empty I now felt. Tears was forming in my eyes and I brought my hands to my face and I was sobbing. "I wish you was here, skida Marco Bodt." I said. It felt like someone was shaking me, but I continued to sob ignoring the shaking. "(y/n)." A soft voice said. I looked around but no one was there. "(Y/n)" It felt like someone's breath hit my ear. Was I going nuts? "(Y/n)" The voice kept saying, it sounded like Marco's, but it couldn't be since his dead, right? The shaking got more rough.


I opened my eyes to see my freckles sweet boy smiling at me. "Hm?" Was all what came from me as I tiredly rubbed my eyes. "You've been sleeping the last one and a half hour." He informed me. S-so it was just a dream? I began to smile and tearing up. "W-what's wrong (y/n)?" He asked looking worried at me. "Nothing I j-just had a nightmare, that I-I'm really happy just was a dream. I love you Bodt." I said sobbing a bit, then I hugged him pressing my ear against his chest to hear his heartbeat. "I love you to (l/n)."  

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