Chapter 3

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I basically snoozed my way through the rest of the school day. I doodled on my papers and tried to ignore everyone around me.

I can't wait until I graduate from this hellhole. School is an evil hormonal cesspool designed to torture teens.

I took all my finals and regents so all I have to do is pass the year and I get the pick of the art colleges.

I don't even get why I even need to go to college but Uncle Curtis was adamant about it so i'm going.

When the bell rang I did a mental happy danced and hauled myself out of my desk. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked home.

It's only three blocks but Waverly always insists on driving me in the morning. I went up to my room and grabbed my sketch book and pens.

I locked the door on my way out and got on my bike and road the two miles to Shorty's bar. When I got there I locked my bike on the bike rack and went inside.

As usual the bar was packed with drunks. Waverly was waiting tables when she saw me. She pointed to a table in the corner and mouthed the word homework to me.

I rolled my eyes but went over and set up my lap top. I started working on my english essay thats due next week. We're doing argument papers and I chose 'Should we have standardized testing' as my topic.

I cracked my knuckles and got to work. I'm a fast writer and my papers are always good. If it starts becoming difficult to get a job in the art world I could always start writing.

I love writing stories on the side. It is so much fun to be able to create your own world and do what ever you want with it.

I started typing and Waverly put a coke and a basket of pretzels in front of me "Thanks Waves" I said grabbing a handful.

"Work" she said pointing to the laptop. I gave her a salute and started working. She went into the back to get some more stuff as I got back to work.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Champ, Waverly's asshole of a boyfriend, walk in. I glared at him as I saw him walk over to some brunette talking to Shorty at the bar.

He was definitely flirting with her the scum bag. I saw them get up and walk upstairs to Champ's room in Shorty's.

I looked in the corner and saw Waverly with a furious look on her face. Oh shit she saw, heads are gonna roll.

I saw her storm over to the door that leads to Champs apartment. Oh man shits gonna hit the fan. Champ won't stand a chance with a furious Waverly.

A moment later I heard a gunshot. Shit she shot him! I got up from my seat and ran towards the door.

I ran up the steps and burst into the room. What I walked in on was weird. Waverly was holding a rifle and Champ was lying on his back on the bed and my sister Wynonna was hiding behind the bed.

"What is going on?" I asked now really confused. Wynonna looked up "Hey kid whats up?" she said looking at me.

"Your trying to screw her boyfriend?" I said angrily to her. She brushed it off "No I just wanted some info on Uncle Curtis's death" She said.

Champ nodded "Yeah she held a knife to my throat!" Champ complained. I rolled my eyes at him "Yeah and she should have beat the crap out of you for actually following her up here you jerk" I said to him.

Wynonna got up and brushed the dust off her pants and went over to Waverly and gave her a hug. She hugged me after.

We walked outside because Shorty gave her the night off for Wynonna being back in town. "Happy birthday Wynonna" I said to her. "Thanks Wyllow" she said to me.

"So what are you doing in town, besides my boyfriend?" Waverly asked her. "Yeah like I would actually do anything with that man child, i'm trying to find out what happened to Curtis, oh and you can do way better than Champ Hardy" she shot back.

I nodded vigorously "Thats what I keep telling her, he has more fingernails than he does brain cells" I said backing her up.

"Well it's a very small town with very limited dating options" she said back. "Yep I do remember that" she agreed.

"Hold off on that for a sec, it's been three years come here" Waves said drawing her into another hug. "Why didn't you call and tell us you were coming?" I asked her still a little confused.

"I wasn't going to come but then Uncle Curtis sent me an email" she replied. "Wait what did it say" Waverly said scrunching up her eyebrows the way she does when she's confused.

"They've caught up with me" she said. Waverly got this determined look on her face "I knew it wasn't a stroke" she looked at me and pulled Wynonna to the side and talked low but I could still hear her "It's starting again, we need Wyatt's gun" she said to her.

Wynonna pulled away "I'm not doing this" she said starting to walk away. "We need Wyatt's gun, it's the same one that-" Wynonna cut her off "I told you never to talk about it!".

I am now officially in confusion ville. What are they talking about? "And I don't!" Waverly yelled back. "Good" she said back.

"It's the best advice you ever gave me, only advice" she shot back at her. "Well I was a kid it's hard to look after myself let alone you" she said to her.

"Yeah bratty little sister's not on the top of your list" I said snarkily. "Stay out of this" she said glaring at me.

"It's about the only thing I did right" she said to us. "What leaving us behind" Waverly said. "It gave you both a chance" she said.

"Yeah well we're not kids anymore, I could help, we could fight this curse together!" Waverly said. "What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Not now!" she said putting her hand up to stop me. "Waverly there is no curse on us!" she yelled.

All of a sudden Wynonna turned around and pulled a knife on a man standing behind us. He was young, dark skinned, and in a suit.

I gotta give him some credit for staying calm with Wynonna Earp putting a knife to his throat. "Wynonna Earp?' he asked her in his deep voice.

She slowly removed the knife "If my parole officers asking then no" she said to him. "Is there somewhere we can talk? We got your call and I think that this is yours" he said holding up her necklace.

She looked down as she recognized it "So can we talk about exactly what happened on that bus?" he said taking out his badge.

Wynonna sighed "Yeah my Aunt's house" he motioned to the car he drove up in. She followed him and got in the car.

"We're finishing this later!" Waverly yelled and Wynonna responded with her signature flipping off.

As they pulled pulled away I rounded on Waverly "Ok your going to tell me whats going on now!" I said determined.

She sighed "Get in the car we're going back to Gus's" she said and I huffed but got in her car.

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