Chapter 6

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I had the best family dinner i've had in a long time. It was sad that Gus was still in the hospital but I was glad to have both my sisters here with me.

Me and Wynonna haven't always got along well. She was always close with Waverly, but so was I. We always vied for her attention so that left us at odds.

But now I hope we can put it behind us and maybe be a family now. We sat at the table talking and laughing.

I bit into the hot saucy, cheesy pizza slice and practically moaned when my tongue hit it. I picked up the franks hot sauce and doused it.

"Your going to burn a hole in your stomach with all that hot sauce" Waverly said pointing to my volcanic slice.

Wynonna scoffed "Yeah right, i've been doing it for years, don't believe that crap" she said taking the bottle from me and pouring it all over her own piece.

She shrugged "Suit yourselves" Waverly said biting into hers.

After dinner Wynonna broke out the whiskey and practical poured the entire bottle into a glass. "Can I have some?" I asked her.

She looked over at me with her eyebrow raised "Who do you think I am?" she asked me. "Um my irresponsible older sister who loves to piss off authority?" I replied.

"Your damn right I am, just don't tell Waverly I don't want to be bitched at" she said pointing to upstairs where Waves was puting her pajamas on.

She poured me a cup and I took a sip. It burned my throat and came out my nose a bit. I started coughing and she hit me on the back.

"Damn girl grow a pair" she said laughing. "God how do you drink that crap it's practically toxic" I said coughing.

She frowned at me and clutched the bottle to her chest "Don't insult my baby" she said and I laughed.

Waverly came down the stairs and spotted the glass in my hand "Oh no!" she said snatching it from me.

"Wynonna your part of the police for now, start acting like it" she said annoyed. "Oh! Americas got talent is on!" I said excited and running to turn the TV on.

We all sat down and watched it.

And it was awesome.

I woke up the next morning exhausted. We went to bed at midnight and i'm definitely feeling it. I got up and went downstairs, not bothering to get dressed.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and popped two eggo waffles in the toaster. Wynonna came in through the front door and was carrying a box of donuts.

"I got breakfast" she announced as she walked into the kitchen. "Dude I know you live off those things but there are other foods besides donuts" I pointed out.

"I know but donuts are life" she said chomping into a jelly. Waverly came into the room. "Good morning!" she announced going to the coffee maker.

"How are you so cheerful in the morning?"Wynonna said rolling her eyes at her. "I know right! I want to kill her every time she wakes me up" I said.

"Just because you guys are grumpy pant's in the morning doesn't mean I have to be" she said grabbing my waffles out of the toaster and putting them on a plate.

"Oh Waves Dolls wants your info today" Wynonna said to her. "Oh yeah I forgot i'll go in with my stuff in a little bit.

"Can I come?" I asked them. "Sure you don't have school today so yeah we can both watch Waverly stutter through the meeting" Wynonna said laughing.

"Ha ha ha very funny" Waverly said scrunching up her nose like she does when she's annoyed. "Oh how'd the mission go?" I asked Wynonna.

Wynonna went on a mission with Dolls last night after AGT. "Well Dolls decided to give me the wrong gun and sent me into a club after revenants, which made me practically useless. Oh and a revenant bit a ladies finger off" she said.

"Well thats fun" Waverly said.

"The finger eater was one of the seven revenants that killed Daddy and Willa" she said. Waverly's face went dark. "Well next time use the right gun and kill the ass hole" she said.

I stood up "Waves can we stop at Shortys, I left my laptop in the backroom" I told her. She nodded "Yeah sure let me get my keys".

We all drove over to Shortys because we were going to the station after. I went into the backroom and grabbed my laptop.

When I came out I saw a man walk into the bar. He had red eyes. "Wynonna look out!" I yelled and pointed behind her.

She turned around "Shit, it's the asshole" she muttered. "Tell me where the gun is and i'll kill your sisters fast" he grumbled.

"It's in my panty drawer, why don't we go get it?" Wynonna shot back. She looked at the bar where peacemaker was.

Gus came out of the back room holding a hand saw "Get away from my girls you nutsack" she threatened.

"Gus you stay out of this!" Waverly exclaimed. "Like hell I will! Wynonna get the gun!" she said to her.

"What- what gun?" Waverly said trying to confuse the revenant. "Where gun?" he asked again. Wynonna looked over to where peacemaker was sitting on the bar.

Great now he knows where it is. He grinned "Bobo said i'd never take it from you, i'm so happy to prove him wrong" he said to us.

They both dove for it but ass wipe got there first. He picked it up and pointed it at her.

He grinned but then his face became horrified. His hand started to burn and he screamed. "Get it off, get it off, it burns!" he yelled. "Dude you wanted it!" I yelled laughing.

He fell behind the bar spasming, his hand still burning.

"" she called to him and went behind the bar. She picked peacemaker of the ground and pointed it at him.

The orange cracks appeared on his face as peacemaker was pointed at him. "We're gonna get you" he told her smirking.

"We? maybe, You? Doesn't look great" she replied then shot him in the head. The flames dragged him down.

He left behind a puddle of black blood. "Clean up isle three" Wynonna joked. Gus got a disgusted look on her face.

"Ugh i'll get a cloth"

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