Chapter 8

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After meeting that gorgeous specimen that is Officer James Underwood I went back to what I call the Black Badge Clubhouse. I basically just sat there and watched Spongebob Reruns on youtube on one of the computers, what can I say I love me some Squarepants. 

I must have fell asleep because all of a sudden I was standing outside the Homstead. Well it kind of looked like it. The only problem was that it was burning. I heard screaming coming from inside and I ran towards it.

I stepped through the door and was blasted in the face with hot air. I caught my breath and started in with my hand infront of me to deflect some of the blistering heat. I made my way through the house.

I could see everything practically melting. When I made it into the living room I saw something horrifiying. The room was filled with Revenants. They weres standing amidst the fire with the most frightening grins on their faces.

At their feet was the dead bodies of my sisters. I screamed in horror and then in pain when I felt something hot grab my arm. Agent dolls had my arm and he was on fire. My body set ablaze and I screamed in agony as I died.

"Wyll? Wyllow!" I heard someone yell. Then something shock me and I opened my eyes.

I shot up forward. I was in the police station in front of the computer. Wynonna had her hand on my shoulder. It was a dream, I thought while I tried to stop my hear punding like crazy in my chest.

"Kid you ok?" she asked me with a weirded out look on her face. I pushed the hair off my face. "Yeah just a bad dream" I replied.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked. I raised my eyebrows. She raised her hands in defense "Hey I can do a Waverly and be the responsible big sister for five minutes and ask if your ok" she replied.

I sighed "I dreamt I was at the homestead and it was burning and full of Revenants. You and Waverly were dead and i got set on fire" I replied.

"Ok you got some messed up shit going on in that head. Don't worry about it though. Those Revenants aren't gonna touch you as long as I have peacemaker" she said hugging her gun with an adoring look on her face.

I rolled my eyes "My hero" I said getting up. "Good thing your up anyway, we gotta go get Waverly" she said to me. 

"Where we going?" I asked. She had a sheepish expression on her face. "Well we're going to the Homestead" she replied.

I sighed "Why?". She grabbed my arm and started to pull me through the door. "Because it might be the only safe place for us to stay now, you know, Revenants crawling everywhere yada yada yada" she said.

We got intp the car and drove to Shorty's to get Waverly. She got in the car and Wynonna explained that we were going to the Homstead.

Waverly, of course, wasn't happy about it but shut up when Wynonna explained how it was one of the only safe places left.

"Oh, and short stack had a wicked bad dream" she casually told her. "Big mouth" I muttered as Waverly spun around and touched my arm.

"You ok? These nightmares are happening more and more often. Maybe you should talk to someone?" she said concerned.

I scoffed "Yeah Waves I'm just gonna explain to the nice headshrinker how demon outlaws are trying to kill my family".

"Ok maybe not the best idea but you can talk to me you know" she said pointedly. I sighed "I know, but you're overreacting. Really I'm fine" I reassured her.

She hesitated by nodded and turned around. We pulled up at the Homestead and I hopped out of the car. Well positive note, it wasn't on fire so I think we're good.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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