The First Encounter

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June 8, 2014

I guess I'm supposed to be writing all this this stuff down when I first got here, but of course, that didn't happen. So, I suppose I'll start now; gotta have something good to show the guys back home.

Maybe, I should start somewhere around a year ago. Hmm... When did this all start? Ah, yes, when I first came to this crazy messed up town, city or whatever this place is.

Well, I began this journey, so to speak, less than a year ago. Our President at the time was this guy that didn't know what the hell he was doing, yet he was very outgoing and friendly. He was probably one of the coolest presidents yet within the 72 years we've been electing presidents. He sent me on this "very" important mission to this small town, city, thing in New England. It didn't seem "very important" to me, but when I got there, I could tell immediately that something was very wrong.


There was a strange flash of light and the next thing I know is I'm sitting in my Corvette in an empty parking lot. I didn't even know what to expect. I didn't truly know where I was. The President never even told me where I was going, except the year I was traveling to, 2013; August 1, 2013 to be exact.

I stepped out of my car just as a huge gust of wing kicked up the sand in the parking lot, and I was blinded. After the wind stopped, I brushed the sand off my face, and I looked up ahead of me to see what looked like another human. I called out to it as I walked closer. It turned toward me and I could tell it wasn't no human; perhaps maybe an extra terrestrial. It had long arms that hung at it sides, low to the ground and a head bigger than a watermelon with two huge beady eyes and a crooked half smile. In its hand I noticed it held something like a gun.

As it started toward me, it held up its weapon, pointing it at me. I darted toward my car and sped off while it started shooting at me. I swerved to avoid the shots. I kept driving, darting down side street after side street. One street I went down lead me to what looked like the center of the town. The road went around a rotary with a grass area in the middle. There was a church, a library, and a bunch of little stores surrounding it. There was more of those strange creatures there, as well. I turned around and headed some where else.

After driving for like ten minutes, I stopped near an old abandoned office building. Oddly enough, no one was there. I got out of my car and looked around. The thing that was shooting at me must have missed. There was no sign of any bullet holes, no dents, no scratch marks, no nothing. Not a single thing was wrong with my car. Hmmm.

I grabed my bb gun and headed for the building to look for answers. Maybe there was someone hiding in there that would know what's going on. For a abandoned building, it was in pretty good shape. It looked like its only been empty for about a year or so. The bricks were still intact, and there was no graffiti on the front of it.

I went inside. There were tables and chairs knocked over and papers everywhere and filing cabinets wide open. There were computers all lined up in a row with their backs to the door. I went over to them to see if I could find out what's going on. Every computer I went to, I would have had to enter a password, except for one, the last one I went to. I noticed that the screen was open to a local news station's website. The page was showing the comments section at the end of the article. There was one of those fancy office rolly chairs at the desk. I pulled it out and sat down.

The first comment read, "This is what the beginning of the end of the world will look like," ~Guillermo del Toro, dated December 20, 2012.

I started reading the second comment. "There's no doomsday scheme..." Something grabbed my leg from underneath the desk. I was hesitant to look under, but when I did I saw a man staring back at me. He let go of my leg, and I pushed the chair away from the desk. He came out from under it. I noticed there was a hole under the desk, that wasn't there before.

He looked at me and said, "What the hell are you doing here? You should be in hiding; they could see you."

"Who?" I asked.

"There's no time for your rhetorical questions. Here, come with me," he said.

The man went down into that same hole he came out of under the desk, and I followed as asked. He closed up the hole, and walked over to where I was.

" So, who exactly are you?" he asked.

"Well, I'm Agent..." He cut me off.

"Oh, you're an agent. Well, that changes everything," he said.

"Umm, what do you mean?" I asked.

"You must be from the government to be an agent. We shall help you with your mission," He said. "Which is?"

"My mission?" I began. "I'm just looking for some answers."

"What kind of answers?" He questioned.

"You know, like why these things have taken over your small town," I said.

"Oh, ok. Umm, first of all. It's not a small town; it's a huge city. Second, these 'things' are extra terrestrials. There mission is to destroy everything that lies in their path," He said.

"They will exterminate everything they can see, and then wipe the planet of its natural resources," said a voice from behind me.

"Sounds a lot like Independence Day," I said.

"You better believe it. George, show the lady our plans," he said.

"But sir, you said no one could see them," George said from behind me.

"Yes, I know, but she's from the government," he said.

"Oh, well, that changes everything. Right this way," George said as he gestured me to follow him.

We walked over to a bookshelf against the wall that reached from one end of the room to the other. George reached up, fifth shelf from the top, and pulled a book down, but not completely out. It was only about a half way out. He let go of the book, and it stayed just as he left it there. A section of the book case swung open into the wall, and a long, dark passage reveled behind it. George pulled a lighter out of his pocket and went in, and I followed after him.


Well, that's all for now, I suppose. I guess I'll write more tomorrow. Don't know yet, either way, that's it for now.

~Agent J.


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