The Underground, part one

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July 18, 2014

There were so many cars in that parking lot that day. It didn't even look like there was even an alien invasion. Oh wait. It hasn't even happened yet. These poor people. I wonder if that building is still the same. Hmm.

I decided on driving around town. I went down a side street and I found the building I first met George and the team. I wonder if it still the same on the inside as it is on the outside. Not a single piece of graffiti.

I drove around back were I parked my car the first time, and walked around front to go in the front door.

It was pretty much the same, a line of computers against the back wall. The only thing different about now is the people buzzing around the room. The phones were ringing off the hook. It was like nothing happened, like nothing is ever gonna happen.

I saw a familiar face dug into a computer screen toward the end of the long line, closest to the windows. I walked over to the front corner of the room and looked out the window at busy intersection the building sat at. I peered over my shoulder from time to time to see if it really was him. After the about ten times checking back and forth, I realized it really was him.

I don't know if I should go over to hum. He probably doesn't even remember me, but then again, why should he. He doesn't even know I exist. Mostly because I haven't even been born yet.

I noticed I've been standing at that window for quite awhile, and decided to go see if George remember me from the other day.

He looked up from his computer. "Hi," he began. "How may I help you?"

"Oh, nevermind," I replied.

"Come on, I can help," he said.

"Ok, do you know where the underground is?" I asked. The underground is what they called their secret operation, and it is also underground, literally. It's where I first met everyone here.

"Umm, no. I don't even know what you're talking about."

"George," I started as I showed him my clearance badge. "I know where it is."

He walked to the other end of the long computers and I followed him him, cutting through the long lines of people.

"You know?" He questioned, raising one eye brow.

I nodded my head. He told me to come with him. There was a door behind the last computer at this end of the room. George pushed the buttons on the key pad next to the door and it slid open, disappearing inside the wall. Come to think of it, I don't even remember this being here.

We walked down the long hallway. It continued to the right, and it seemed like it went on forever. There was carpet on the floor all throughout the hallway. It was one of those hotel rugs that make it seem like you're going faster than you actually are.

We stopped about half way after that first turn. There was another door and key pad. George punched in some more numbers and the door slid into the wall, much like the last one did. We walked in and the door closed like the last one did. It was a very small room filled with boxes and boxes. George walked over to the far back corner of the room. He started moving boxes until there was a door sized space on the floor. You could tell there was something different about thus one.

George went into the corner and bent down. He pulled the corner of the carpet up, and he slowly stood up taking the carpet with him. He pulled the carpet clean off the area he cleared of boxes, and a door was revealed and another key pad.

George bent down by the key pad and typed in another code. The door opened like all the others. It slid into the floor.

George turned to me. "Now, listen. You can't tell anyone about this," he said.

I nodded.

When the door opened, a stair case was revealed. We walked down the stairs, and when we got to the bottom, the door closed. We had to go through yet another door. They must be hiding secrets done hear for it to be this locked up.

We enter the next room, and a man was standing there with a stern look on his face. He looked like the mystery guy. The guy that never told me his name.

"What is she doing down here?" He asked raising an eye brow.

"She with the government," George whispered.

"How much does she know?"

"Enough," George said.


~Agent J

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