The Underground, part two

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July 22, 2014

George motioned me to follow him and the other guy. In this room, there were a lot of people. Some looked like they were working on building weapons, while others were talking and taking notes. We walked into another room. We went down the long hallway behind the bookshelf, like last time, to room filled with boxes and more boxes, but not as many as before.

The white board the stretched from one end of the room to the other was still covered with notes, but not as many. Everything looked almost the same as the last time I was here. The only difference: less people down here and more people up there.

George went over to the right hand wall where a stack of white, plastic, non-folding chairs were and grabbed three. He brought them over to where we were standing and set the down. We sat in a circle.

"What do you know?" The team leader asked me.

"Umm," I began. "Well, I knew that all this was done here."

"It's a start," he said. "But, what do you know about our operations down here?"

"You guys are preparing for an alien invasion that will be happening later this year," I replied. "I know a way to help."

The team leader turned George and started whispering something, but I couldn't tell what he was saying.

He turned back to me. "So, you say you can help us? How so?" He asked.

"I can show you the future plans to to take care of a possible alien invasion," I replied taping my bag I had swung over my shoulder.

"I'm listening," the team leader said leaning forward holding his head up with his hand.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the manilla folder. The papers were neat and organized inside. I handed the team leader the folder.

He looked at me kinda funny and said, "I thought you were going to explain to me the plans."

"It's all explained in that folder. I haven't seen any of what's in there," I replied pointing to the manilla folder in his hands.

He opened the folder with George looking over his shoulder. As he read one piece of paper his handed up to George. I caught glimpses of what may be on each paper as the team leader handed them up to George. I saw lots of diagrams. It looked like they were of weapons. There were also maps and long paragraphs, as well.

After about 15 minutes of shuffling through, the team leader handed the folder up to George. George sat back down next to him and reorganized the papers like they were before.

The team leader leaned forward, put his hands between his knees, and said, "We can do this. All we need is government help. We can't afford the weaponry on our own."

I nodded. "I can help you with that part. I can get some assistance from the government and the military, and we can prepare every one for the fight of the century," I replied.

"And what if these aliens don't come after all the work we put forth?" He asked me leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I know they're coming," I said as George handed me back the manilla folder.

"What makes you so sure about all this?" The team leader asked me.

"Trust me, I know it's going to happen," I told him as I finished fixing my bag after I put the folder back in.

He opened his mouth to speak again, and then never did.

"Thank you for sharing this with us," George finally said. "This information will cone in handy." 

I nodded. "Your welcome. Anything to stop a future invasion," I replied.

The team leader got up off his chair. "You should be on your way," he said to me. "You got a long trip a head of you."

I nodded.

He showed me to the door, and George followed.

"George, show the lady out from here. I have important business to attend to now," the team leader said to George.

We walked back up the stairs and at about half way, the door above us opened up again. We walked out of the room, and continued down all the long hallways until we made it back at the front of the building where all the people were.

I turned to George. "Before I go, I must ask," I started. "What is all this? What do you even do here?"

He chuckled a little. "We're a tax returns company. We help people file their taxes. I just don't know why the place is so busy now. It's not even tax season!" He told me.

He showed me to the door, told me to have a nice day, and went back to his desk.

I walked out the front door and went back to my car. I got back in my car and threw my bag on the seat. I just sat there for a minute, and then started my car. I drove out of the parking lot and down the side street and stopped at the light. The light turned green, and I proceeded into the busy intersection. I headed toward to turnpike to go to D.C.


~Agent J

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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