The Presidential Plan

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July 17, 2014

I arrived at the White House just after our President gave a very important speech. There were people everywhere. It was very hard to drive. I pulled my car aside the sidewalk in front of the White House. Tons of people were coming from everywhere.

I got out of my car and headed toward the front steps of the White House. Security was tight. Luckily enough for me, I had my badge with me. I flashed it to the guards at the main entrance, and they let me right in.

Its been awhile since the last time I've been inside. I think they might have even painted; don't know.

I followed the hallway to the end. It was a very short hallway, nothing too fancy. A nice calming sea foam green wall color and a tiled floor that led straight to a receptionist's desk inside a little room that could be seen through a glass window.

I walked up to the window. There was a lady with long semi curled hair wearing a red jacket over a black dress of some sort.

She slid the widow to the right and peeked her her out. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm hear to speak with the president," I said.

"Ah, yes. You must be that agent that he's been waiting for," the lady replied. She closed the little window and appeared down the side hall. "Here, come with me."

We walked down another hallway to the elevators. She pushed the button and we waited. When the elevator came, we got in and went up a couple of floors.

"The Oval Office is just around the corner," she said. "Let me see if he's ready for you. You can sit over there." She pointed to a couple of fancy chairs over by the window.

I sat down in one and looked out. You could see the entire front lawn from there. The view was pretty amazing, aside from the chairs. First of all, the chairs looked like they belonged to the Queen of England, and second, they were so uncomfortable.

The lady came out soon after I had taken a seat. "He will be with you momentarily. Someone will came out to bring you in," she said.

I nodded and went back to looking out the window. She probably went back to her post downstairs.

I waited about 5 minutes, when a guy in a suit with a red tie came out. He told me to come with him. I did.

We enter the Oval Office, and the chair at the desk was turned facing the window.

"Chuck, you can go," the voice said still facing the window. The mysterious person waved his hand toward the side of the room.

The guys that brought me in must have been Chuck. He left through a secret door on the side of the room. I couldn't see quite where it went. Probably someplace secret to the president and his staff.

"So, Agent J," the voice started. "What news have you brought to me today?" He asked turning the chair back around.

"Well," I began. " Here, you should have this." I handed him a manilla folder that consisted of the plans from George and the team.

He opened it. "Please, sit down," he said.

I sat on the black leather chair that was in front of his desk. This one was a lot more comfortable then the other one I was in. I guess the president gets the comfy ones and everywhere else gets the ones the look like they for decoration only.

"So, aside from these top secret plans, what other information do you have for me?" The president asked.

"I have found out that the date of invasion was December 21, 2012," I said.

"Interesting," the president said as he got up, with his pipe in his mouth, to look out the window. "The forbidden date ever since the end of time. The so called "End of the World".

"I suppose it was the start of the end of the world," I added.

"Yes, are they still fighting against these aliens?" He asked.

"Sadly, yes they are, but they have a plan to strike. They just need help from the government. That's why they gave me copies of those plans," I said.

He sat back down in his chair. He put his pipe on the empty ashtray. "Now, I've got a better plan than this," he said handing me the manilla folder. "We're gonna go back in time further. Further than we did this time, and we're gonna stop these aliens from ever attacking."

"Sounds good, Mr. President," I said. "When do you want me to go back to?"

"How 'bout a year before this all happened," he replied. "Get in touch with the president then, and show him those plans. Tell him everything you k ow. He may not believe you at first, but he shall." The president started scribbling notes on a piece off paper. "Here take this," he said ripping paper off the pad. "Give this to him first and he'll understand. I'll try to get in touch with him before you get there. Now go!"

I left the Oval Office and went back outside to my car. All the people had left by now. The sky was getting real dark, like a storm was coming. I climbed into my car and drove off. As I left the capital, the sky got darker and darker and lightning started flashing. There was a rumble of thunder, and before you knew it, the capital was gone from my review mirror, and I was back in that city from Massachusetts.

That same parking lot I was in when I first got there, except in was full of cars, and not old clunky one either. Nice cars owned by nice people all shopping in the stores that won't be there in about a year.


~Agent J

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