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June 13, 2014

So, you guys are probably wonder what was at the end of the tunnel, right? Well, there was another room filled with boxes upon boxes upon boxes and boxes. There were so many boxes, it was hard to count. On the wall, was a white board that stretched from one end to the other covered with notes and plans and words.


"Wow! You got a lot of boxes in here," I said.

"We know. All of the boxes over there," He pointed to the small pile in the front corner of the room. "Those boxes are from around the time of the 1670s. I suppose the founders of this city kinda knew this was going to happen."

We walked over to the boxes. "Here, let's just move a few of these," George said.

Behind the boxes was an old map hanging on the wall, dated 1675. I moved another box and looked closer at the the map. There were x's on the map in various places. George moved another stack of boxes and behind them was another map, but this one was more updated. There were red x's on that map. It looked as if the x's were in the same spots on each map. The more recent map had an x on what looked like this very building. Hmm, wonder why? I asked George about it.

"The x on our building and all the other buildings is where we have a secret base. Our x just happens to be the biggest because we have all the secret plans to stop the creatures ever since the beginnings, and it's like a secret code. Only we, and now you, know what it means. The general public can't know of our plans, unless we plan an attack, which I highly doubt will happen," George said.

He showed me their most current plans, just as a whole bunch of people walked in.

"Who are they?" I whispered to George.

"They from the other bases. The leaders of those troops. We come together once a week to discuss important duties," George said. "There's a secret tunnel our fore fathers built years ago that connects all the bases marked on the map, and we just added on to it, and fix the dangerous areas. "

A bunch more people came in, pushed boxes to the outer most walls, placed several chairs in the center of the room and left. The people that came from other bases took their seats respectively. George grabbed an extra seat for me and told me to sit preferably in the front row.

George went in front of the room and everyone went silent. Then the guy I first met came in, and welcomed everyone while George sat down next to me. Come to think of it, he never told me his name, and for some reason I don't think he ever will. I guess he just going to be a mystery person.

He began talking about some kind of revolt, a revolution perhaps. "What we need is the perfect sneak attack, something they won't see coming," he said.

One guy in the back stood up and said, "What about if we drop an atomic bomb on the mother ship."

My mystery guy responded with, "You can't just blow something up thinking it will solve all problems. Yes, maybe, that might work, but how exactly would you drop way up there? These aren't just the japs were dealing with. These are other worldly creatures who have more advanced technology then we do."

"Now, I don't think they would fly all this way just to put up a fight. I think we're all just paranoid," said a guy wearing a button down shirt.

"Paranoid?!" said a guy in a plaid shirt with the sleeves ripped off. "You think we're PARANOID! I was almost killed walking over here. Some jack ass alien was in my tunnel. If one of my men didn't sneak up behind it and knock it out; I wouldn't be here, and you all might as well be dead."

Everyone started talking at once, screaming and arguing. My mystery guy tried to calm everyone down, but it didn't work. George stepped up, blew a whistle, and suddenly everyone was dead silent.

"Alright, let's get back on track. Our plan, George, if you will."

"Ah, yes. As of 0800 hours this morning, we sent out ground troops on the north side of town. Whether or not they got anything accomplished is beyond me. We lost radio control with them about an hour later. Around 1400 hours, I received a call from our senator. He told me that this is happening all over the world, not just in Massachusetts and the U.S. The president has issued a state of emergency for the whole country," George stated.

"Yes, so that means we can't just go about all willy nilly. We have to have a plan. An actual plan, not just going and blowin' stuff up cause that ain't gonna cut it."

"What we know so far," George said as he pointed to a smaller white board on an easel. "These things," he paused. "These things they're after everything and anything they can get they're grubby little paws on. They first arrived here last year around the time of Christmas."

"December 21st to be exact!" Someone shouted from the silent audience.

"Yes, yes, December 21st. We all know; the day we thought that was it. The end of our very lives, but to no avail; we are still here, strong and ready to fight. We will take charge. We will show E.T. who's boss, and beat the crap out of him!" said the mystery man, the team leader himself.

"Alright, alright, calm down. We all wanna kick E.T's ass, but let's just get one thing straight," said George.

"And what's that?" Asked our team leader.

"He goes out with the biggest bang possible, and scare his little friends," George said. "Agent, here, share this with the government."

I asked him what it was, and he said it was their plan to stop the aliens from destroying the rest of the world. George said they need all the help they could get.  They need many weapons and ammo and planes and even more men.

After the meeting was over, everyone went back to their bases. I stayed in there for a little while and thought about stuff.

Why did  President Whitmore want to come here at this time when I could have gone further back and stopped them before it even happended? Did he not know that they came eariler or did he?! If their fore fathers knew this was going to happen then why didn't they start preparing then? Why are they waiting till now to try to put a stop to this? All these unanswered questions and so much more to know. Maybe I should go back even further before I do anything more?

I told the team leader that i was leaving, and I left that night, not sure where to go. I drove around the desolate city for hours, not a single creature was stirring, not even a mouse. After awhile I decided to go back to 2072.


Well, that's all for now.

~Agent J


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