Artiglaora's past

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May 13 2016

One Dark cold dreary night in Artiglaora.King Autry and Queen Bell had announced they were going to have a baby boy .they have decided to name him Henri Laurent .

King Fonsei thought long and hard on the subject that was bothering Artiglaora. The villain's that are hiding haven't wrecked havoc yet. But the majority of them were safer on Mount Villa to live their lives there .

As for the location of Mount was moved from where King Fonsei had originally had it magically placed. He was still trying to figure that out. Since Hades and Persephone were complaining. So was Zeus.

As King Autry was thinking of a solution . To round up the rest of the villains . To tell King Angelo Bautista . To help him cause Fonsei was already stressed .The Animal villains were all in another place named Outland Jungle . Sultan Aladdin Huáng had them all sent there .Lumiere knocked on King Autry's door .

Lumiere Antoine: Excuse me sire their is someone here to see you .

King Autry Laurent : who is it Lumiere?

The King asked with kindness in his voice .

Lumiere Antoine: sire its Lord Allister Chevalier Duke of Brisslewood. He wishes to speak to you.

King Autry Laurent : Please send him in Lumiere.

Lumiere Antoine: right away sir .

Lumiere walked out of King Autry's office and out to the hallway where Lord Allister was.

Lumiere Antoine: sire the king will see you now .

Lord Allister Chevalier : thank you so much.

Lord Allister Chevalier walked into the King's office and knocked on the door . King Autry turned around and walked over to Lord Allister .

King Autry Laurent : please come in and have a seat Allister .

Lord Allister walked in and sat in the left chair .

Lord Allister Chevalier : thank you for seeing me King Autry.

King Autry Laurent : its no problem Allister I will always  help .I assume that's why your here .

Allister Chevalier : yes it is . I'm here about my daughter .

King Autry Laurent : your daughter .I thought King Stefan and Queen Lisette gave her to you to raise ?

King Autry Laurent saw the sorrow in his  eyes .

Lord Allister Chevalier : they refused to let her be revived just cause of her mom's evil . how can I raise Maybelle to be good sweet and kind. if her mom's spell is still on her . she is a living doll .I want her normal .I want to hold her ,tell her everything will be okay May. Plus Phobandos keeps saying Lisette isn't the real one and is influencing King Stefan. He wishes he could help me.But Lisette won't let him .

Lord Duke Allister Chevalier began to cry .due to Lisette's hatred towards maleficent . he understood she did extremely evil anything  . After leaving his home of course.with no say at all.but his own daughter does not deserve to be punished for her evil deeds.

King Autry Laurent got up out of his chair and placed his hand on his  shoulder.

First thing tomorrow morning. I will call all the fairies with good magic. strong enough to bring her back to normal .we will have a conference with them .and we will have them vote . I'm sure once you explain .they will sign the papers .to have her brought back. I will like for you to stay here with me and Bell .for the night so you don't have to travel so far back with Maybelle.

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